News from the Student Affairs Department

Semester and lecture period for the summer semester 2024


Beginn Sommersemester 2024


Ende Sommersemester 2024


Beginn der Vorlesungszeit


Ende der Vorlesungszeit

Well oriented and informed in the semester

You can see the current lecture schedules via the HFT online portal in LSF under Events. Access is not password protected (no login data required).

Two to four weeks after the start of each semester, March 1 or September 1.

Summer semester 2024: 18 March - 28 June 2024

Winter semester 2024/25: 1 October 2024 - 17 January 2025

The dates are also published under events.

summer semester 01 March - 31 August

winter semester 01 September -28./29 February

Your enrollment and study certificate for self-printing can be found in LSF.


  • All forms as well as applications that you need during your studies can be found in the Moodle course "Studienorganisation"/ Forms for students.
  • You will also find a confirmation from the University of Applied Sciences about the period of the lecture-free period there.

You will receive a chip card as your student ID. We will send you this ID card after successful enrollment at the beginning of the semester (March 1/September 1).

What is on the chip card?

The university logo, your surname and first name, the matriculation number/library number and your photo are printed on the front and the period of validity is noted.

What can the chip card do?

  • Access to all buildings and to special rooms in your faculty
  • Library card for the HFT Stuttgart
  • Cashless means of payment at the copying machines, in the refectories and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk, in the Examination Office, Internship Office, Additional Services of the Faculty of Architecture and Design and in the library. The electronic purse can be topped up with cash or by EC card at the topping-up machines in the cafeterias and refectories of the Studierendenwerk.
  • as VVS-Semester-Ticket valid from Monday to Friday from 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday, Sunday and holidays all day - that means you can use the whole VVS network for free. By purchasing a StudiTicket through the VVS, you can use local transport on the network all day during the semester.

Validation of chip card (extension of validity in each new semester)

The validity period must be reprinted after re-registration for the new semester. You do this at the validation machine in building 1, 1st floor, atrium on the right.

What happens if I lose my chip card?

Please report this immediately to the Student Secretariat, Building 1, Room 124. Found cards are also handed in there so that we can possibly return them to you. Otherwise, the previous card will be blocked and a new card will be issued. Attention: The stored credit cannot be refunded by the university!

New chip card - how does it work?

  • You pay 12 euros at the payment office, Building 1, Room 224.1. The payment office is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 12 pm.
  • With the payment receipt, go to the Student Secretariat, Building 1, Room 124 and have a new ID card issued.

What happens if my card is damaged and can no longer be used?

  • You go to the Studierendenwerk Info-Point in the Mensa Stadtmitte. There you will be issued a certificate to transfer the existing credit in the form of a "Bescheinigung Ersatzkarte".
  • In the next step, you contact Ms. Incatasciato from the IZ, Building 2., Room 001, who will process the background data.
  • Then you pay 12 euros at the payment office, Building 1, room 224.1. The payment office is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 12 pm. With the payment receipt, go to the Student Secretariat, Building 1, Room 124 and have a new ID card issued.
  • In the last step, go to the Info-Point again to have the credit loaded onto the new card.

Can I have the electronic credit paid out?

Yes - at the Info-Point I of the Studierendenwerk in the Mensa Stadtmitte.

What data is stored on the chip card?

Matriculation number, library number, validity of the chip card, card sequence number, system number, card type, serial number, version number, access authorization number. Only the Student Secretariat has access to this information. In connection with cashless payment transactions, the current account balance is recorded. Access to the stored data is anonymized by means of the chip card serial number.

In the section "Study & Examination" on this page under Examination Organisation you will find all important information about your examination.

The Info and Support Counter information center will help you with questions and problems concerning the library and the IT services of the university. The Info and Support Desk is located on the first floor of the library in Building 2 at Schlossstraße 26.

The Info and Support Desk is the contact point for:

  • Setting up WLAN and VPN
  • Unlocking your account
  • Password reset


The Student Affairs Office

The staff of the Student Affairs Office is at your disposal for all matters concerning

  • application, enrollment, pre-study internship,
  • guest auditor
  • leave of absence & exmatriculation
  • student ID and other formalities

Please contact the respective administrator of your study program.

Bachelor Degree Programmes
Architecture and Design
Architecture Doris Pelzer
Interior Architecture Christina Lang
Climate Engineering Doris Pelzer
Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Business Management
Civil Engineering Elifnur Akdağ
Building Physics Christina Lang
Business Administration Elifnur Akdağ
Infrastructure Management Elifnur Akdağ
Civil Engineering and Business Management Ulrike Bohrer
Business Psychology Angelika Jachmann
Geomatics, Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer Science Christina Lang
Digitalisation and Information Management (former Information Logistics) Doris Pelzer
Applied Mathematics Christina Lang
Surveying and Geoinformatics Angelika Jachmann
Business Information Systems Christina Lang

Examination and Internship Office

Your request:

Contactby e-mail to
  • General information about the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO)
  • Average Grades

Demet Bozkurt

Agata Fink

Michaela Matheis

Agata Finkpruefungsamt1(at)

Demet Bozkurt

Michaela Matheisrueckmeldung(at)
Around exams
  • Manual registration and de-registration

Demet Bozkurt

Agata Fink

Michaela Matheis

Agata Finkatteste(at)
  • Contact person for lecturers and professors
  • Recognition of examination results
  • Electronic registration of exams
  • Grade corrections
  • Examination organization
  • Creation of certificates
Silke Fritz 
  • Application for further admission ("Härteantrag")
  • Inspection of exams
  • Loss of right to examination
Demet Bozkurtpruefungsamt1(at)


Information for guest students (auditor)

Studierende an der HFT Stuttgart

Participation in individual curricular courses

Requirements, Application & Semester Fees

  • Admission for auditing only with sufficient capacity & proof of sufficient education.
  • Application form to studsek(at)
  • 100 € for participation in courses of up to 4 SWS (semester hours per week) in total
  • 200 € for participation in courses of more than 4 SWS

Please note!

  • Guest students are not members of the HFT Stuttgart and do not receive a student ID.
  • They cannot take any examinations or certificates of achievement.
  • No acquisition of certificates that can later be recognised in a degree programme
Student Affairs Office and Examination office

Office hours during the semester and the semester break:

only in the mornings: Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00

We are located in building 1

Examination Office: room no 1/122 & 1/122.1
Student Affairs Office: room no 1/124


Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
Schellingstr. 24
D- 70174 Stuttgart

Please also note the special office hours of some of our staff.

Eine Studentin steht am Geländer in Bau 1
How you can reach us

The Team of the Student Department (Student Services)

Please click on the name to get a full view of the function and office hours.

Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone
Abteilungsleitung+49 711 8926 2655 1/123
+49 711 8926 2797 1/122
+49 711 8926 2695 1/122.1
Studierendensekretariat+49 711 8926 2662 1/124
+49 711 8926 2586 1/124
+49 711 8926 2949 1/122.1
Mitarbeiterin im Prüfungsamt+49 711 8926 2669 1/122
Prüfungs- und Praktikantenamt+49 711 8926 2302 1/122.1
Stellv. Abteilungsleitung+49 711 8926 2308 1/307
+49 711 8926 2387 1/315

General statutes & house rules

  • The university fee statutes (as of 26.04.2023) regulate all fee-based services such as pension certificates, certifications, copies of documents, etc.