Application deadline

April 15 (applicants from NON-EU countries)
July 15 (applicants from EU countries)

Study time

3 Semester

Study title

Master of Science (M.Sc.)


to the International Master's Programme Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics at the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences).

As a young expert you will receive a scientific and practice-oriented education in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation science in addition to your professional background. An important objective is the transfer of up-to-date techniques into practice under different technological conditions. The course is designed in particular for future decision-makers and senior engineers of information and land management projects, national authorities for mapping, photogrammetry, land consolidation, forestry, agriculture, environment, rural or urban planning.

The programme is characterized by its international outlook – lectures are held in English – and gives you the chance to study with benefits in an intercultural environment.

Since 1999 – more than 20 years experience in international education – the master programm Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics established a worldwide Alumni network of more than 500 successful graduates from 89 countries!

The Programme has also been supported by DAAD scholarships since the beginning and achieved excellent results in the DAAD evaluation!


years experience in international education


successful graduates


different countries

Good reasons for a master degree in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics!
  • Very good career opportunities
  • Deepening the knowledge in photogrammetry and remote sensing
  • Deepening the knowledge in geoinformatics
  • A master's degree opens additional doors, e.g. in public service and research
  • Opportunity for promotion
  • Renew or extent your knowledge in an intercultural surrounding
Zwei junge Frauen mit dunklen Brillengläsern
study with friends...
Why study with us!
  • Study with high practical relevance
  • Competent and committed professors, employees
  • Assistant lecturers from the private sector for even more practical relevance
  • 9 laboratories with extensive and modern equipment
  • Intercultural training and soft skills
  • Intensive research activities
  • worldwide Alumni network
  • excellent DAAD evaluation and DAAD scholarships
  • Study in close proximity to global companies like Bosch Daimler and Porsche
  • International study office (ISO) for student support
lectures in Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
...make a career

Professors teach with competence and experience, manage laboratories and drive research


Employees support teaching and exercises with their specialist knowledge, supervise laboratories, measuring equipment, hardware and software


Assistant lecturers for even more practical relevance in teaching

Photogrammtery lectures group photo with polarised glasses

Are you a candidate?

  • You are an academic, graduated in a domain, where knowledge about geoinformation and remote sensing is relevant.
  • You want to get a deeper understanding of state-of-the-art technologies and methods related to geoinformatics and remote sensing as well as information about current R & D fields.
  • You have already some work experience and realized that knowledge in the field of geoinformatics helps you to achieve your goals.
  • You want to update your already existing knowledge in the field of GIS, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
  • You would like to renew or extent your knowledge in an intercultural surrounding with students coming from all over the world.

The best experience so far. Good learning environment, good support staff, wonderful professors always available for you and generally excellent learning materials including laboratories, library and computer rooms.



Cooperation agreements with universities throughout the world are the basis of the internationalisation of education at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. The Master Course curriculum is developed in cooperation with multinational companies, organisations and universities to meet the requirements of economy and science.

German companies in the fields of photogrammetry and geoinformatics contribute with their experience in international projects and seminars.

The working language for all lectures is English.


GIS (Geographical Information Systems): Databases and Spatial Databases, Coordinate Reference Systems and Spatial Referencing, Vector- and Raster GIS, Spatial Analysis, Thematic Mapping, GIS practice

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: Sensors of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Basic Photogrammetric Workflow, Basic Remote Sensing Workflow, Photogrammetric Practice

Geostatistics and Surface Modelling: Statistical Background, Surface Modelling, Interpolation and DTM, Geostatistics

Scientific Skills, Intercultural, Language and Media Competence: Scientific Skills and Media Competence, Language, Intercultural Training


Planning, Organisation and Management: Project Analysis, Management of Resources, Marketing

Advanced Topics in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Image Classification, LiDAR

Geodata - Capture, Sources and Standards: Data Capture and Geo-Referencing, GPS, GIS Formats and Interfaces, Data Retrieval and Infrastructures, Metadata

Customisation, Internet GIS, Visualisation: Internet GIS, Visualisation, 3D City Models

Elective Module: e.g. RADAR, Advanced Programming Techniques


The Master's Thesis project comprises the whole third semester. The project is divided into two phases. First, the students have to prepare a research proposal for their project; second, they have to work out their project according to the approved proposal. The project is accompanied by a research seminar.

Master Thesis: The purpose of the Master's Thesis is to demonstrate the ability to work independently on a topic within a limited time frame by applying scholarly and constructive methods. The master's thesis is supervised by a professor. The students are free to select a topic offered by a professor of the University or to do the Master's Thesis project externally at a partner University or company. The students are highly encouraged to work on a project from their home institution, if applicable.

Research Seminar


HFT, a well renowned university in Germany, is remarkable due to its cutting edge technology on Photogrammetry. It offers an inimitable master course in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics for international students with a strategic vision. Further, it provides an excellent research infrastructure and supportive environment with highly qualified supervisors, having excellent research calibre and dedication. These factors motivated me to choose HFT as my postgraduate university.

Sri Lanka

Intercultural Workshop

Regular intercultural workshops at the beginning of the course are offered and attended each year with great pleasure. This workshops (financially supported by DAAD and HFT) help to understand cultural diversity and is a optimal basis for amicable and higly motivated cooperation during the course of study.

The most exciting aspect was getting a multi-cultural experience and to be able to present the customs of my home country to the classmates and to the university administration and professors. Despite I have graduated ten years ago, I am still in touch with my friends whom I met in Stuttgart.



The programme is accredited 1999 (re-awarded 2008) by ASIIN, the German Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Science and Mathematics.

Akkreditierungsurkunde Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics


In addition, the programme is certified to satisfy the outcomes of Second Cycle programmes (EUR-ACE Framework Standards for the Accreditation of Engineering Programmes) by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

Akkreditierungsurkunde EURACE Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics


Master's Programme in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Achievement of Excellence

DAAD Excellent Evaluation for Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

Student Services

The department secretary's office is opened daily and acts as a counseling of many day-to-day issues. The Programme Director Prof. Dr. Schröder is available to guide students with any study questions in his weekly contact hours or on appointment. All lecturers have weekly contact hours and are available for counseling related to their topics.

This new online course offers a self-assessment test to give the student some idea about the own general background knowledge. Here the main fields of study are covered like GIS and Remote Sensing, but also some basics in Mathematics and Statistics are touched. To refresh the student knowledge some basic tutorials are offered for self-study. Additional material and information to prepare for the study course is provided as well. The implementation of the Online Preparation Course was funded by DAAD.

Student housing in a dormitory is available. The cost of housing is competitive compared to the local market, usually costing less or around than 300 Euros per month. These student dormitories also offer the advantage of living amongst fellow students. If desired, the programme coordinator will guide you through the process of reserving a room.

If desired, newly arriving students will be picked up at the airport and be accompanied to their room on campus. These buddies are senior students and can help you during the first few weeks. The ISO Office set you up with your buddy. Both will help you through all the necessary German paperwork needed for your stay (forms for a bank account, student housing, health insurance, residence registration, university registration, and residence permit).

An orientation programme is offered for new students to become acquainted with the campus and its facilities.

Peers, tutors, and professors are all available to provide academic assistance when needed. A small student to faculty ratio means that professors are easy to contact, and are available to provide support directly to students.

During the summer semester, students have the opportunity to go on an excursion to companies and/or governmental organizations. Students decide both where to go, and how long they will stay.

There are several computer rooms for student use, as well as internet access through 100 WLAN access points. A University VPN is also provided.There is a special IT support team for students of this master programme (located in room 2/181). For general problems at the university, the IT support of the university (located in room 2/016) can help.

The Academic Library of this university provides ample study materials for the coursework, as well as a quiet study space. It also supports a Digital Library, through which research platforms such as Science Direct are available.

The ISO Office hosts excursions on weekends as well as various student parties. The university-wide party "Stallfest" is organized by the student committee ASTA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss), and smaller parties are organized by the student councils (Fachschaft) of the faculties.

The University helps connect students to various sports that are available. Sports at HFT Stuttgart.

The cafeteria in Building 1 of the HFT offers small snacks, drinks, and fruits from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The "Mensa," or large cafeteria, is located just a 5 minute walk away, and offers a selection of at least five different meals every day, including vegetarian options. In addition to the main course, side dishes such as soups, salads and desserts are also available. All of this is priced for students, and so offers a good value. Studentenwerk Stuttgart

The Student ID is multi-purpose, and can be used as a money card for the cafeteria, as a library card, and as a ticket for public transportation in Stuttgart on evenings and weekends.

Wednesday afternoon is reserved for language courses. The Didactics Center offers many free language courses. Courses beyond the compulsory module of the first semester are optional and not part of the study programme.

Application & Deadlines

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor in Civil Engineering, Geodesy, Geography, Agriculture, Forestry or corresponding degrees of other professions applying geodata or spatial related technologies
  • English Language Verification of proficiency is required (e.g. by TOEFL 550 or equivalent proof)
    Current Note:
    Applicants who are unable to take the TOEFL test at a test center due to pandemic restrictions will be temporarily offered the TOEFL Special Home Edition test. For more information, please visit the TOEFL Special Home Edition website.
  • Professional Experience 2 years of competent experience are recommended

Application Deadlines & Forms

Please note, the application procedure is paper based!


Start of studies 2025

Application deadlines
(start of studies 2025)

Application DAAD scholarship + study course

  • October 1, 2024 (deadline at HFT Stuttgart, absolute deadline is October 15, 2024!)

Application study course

  • April 15, 2025 (applicants from non-EU countries)
  • July 15, 2025 (applicants from EU countries)

Download application forms
(start of studies 2025)


Start of studies 2024

Application deadlines
(start of studies 2024)

Application DAAD scholarship + study course

  • CLOSED! - October 1, 2023 (deadline at HFT Stuttgart, absolute deadline is October 15, 2023!)

Application study course

  • CLOSED! - April 15, 2024 (applicants from non-EU countries)
  • CLOSED! - July 15, 2024 (applicants from EU countries)

Download application forms
(start of studies 2024)

Tution and fees

The enrolment fee amounts to Euro 229,70 for the first semester and Euro 218,70 for each following semester (as of November 2022).

Attention: The state government of Baden-Württemberg has introduced study fees of Euro 1500,- per semester for international students coming from non EU-Countries starting from winter semester 2017/18. According to an additional statutory regulation (Verordnung des Wissenschaftsministeriums über die Befreiung von Studiengebühren für Internationale Studierende) international students who are studying in a course funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in its program of Development-related master's degree courses (EPOS), like the course Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, are exempted from the study fees if they

  1. receive a scholarship from the DAAD, or
  2. have the nationality of a signatory country of the Partnership Agreement 2000/483 / EC between the members of the group of States in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean on the one hand and the European Community on the other hand, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (known as ACP countries), or
  3. have the nationality of a State which, according to the list of the United Nations, is one of the least developed countries.


Students from abroad may apply for fellowships via German organisations for developing countries or via international organisations in case of current projects in the countries. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports this Master Course by granting scholarships since 20 years! Information on possible scholarships is listed below.

In general, additionally it is advisable to contact the German embassy in your home country. There should be all information available about postgraduate courses, scholarships in Germany, application forms etc.

General information:

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports this Master Course by granting scholarships since more than 20 years!

The most important information about a DAAD scholarship is taken as excerpts from the DAAD brochure "Development-Related Postgraduate Courses – Educating Professionals for Sustainable Development":

More information about the DAAD you can get on the DAAD website or in the complete DAAD brochure.

The application for the DAAD scholarship concerning a master study in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics must be submitted to the HFT Stuttgart.

Correspondence and express delivery address:

 Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
 M.Sc. Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
 Matthias Roth
 Schellingstraße 24
 70174 Stuttgart

Please contact:

 Secretariat Geomatics (Sekretariat Vermessung) Hochschule für Technik
 Room 2/109
 phone: +49 711 8926-2606
 e-mail: master-pg(at)

Application deadline:

October 1, each year: deadline of the application for a DAAD scholarship application (start of studies: begin of October the following year!) – the absolute deadline is October 15.

The HFT Stuttgart is managing two scholarships:

  • HFT Scholarship
  • Germany Scholarship

Further information is available on the site "financing".


Information about further scholarship donators you can find and on the web site of the Association of Postgraduate Programmes with special Relevance to Developing Countries (AGEP) and on the web site of the HFT under "financing".

Career Perspectives

Studying geoinformation or photogrammetry and remote sensing science will place our graduates into a top position of the international job market: the fields of geoinformation, photogrammetry and remote sensing are considered worldwide as part of the key markets. There is a big demand of well trained personal in industrial countries as well as emerging markets.

The following list gives some rough ideas about possible fields of occupation and career paths. The list is of course in no way complete! :

  • Public Sector
    • National surveying services
    • National mapping agencies
    • Land reclassification authorities
    • Cadastral authorities
    • Forestry commissions
    • Agricultural authorities
    • Environmental monitoring offices
  • Private Sector
    • GIS Companies
    • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Companies
    • Urban planning offices
    • Consulting for municipalities, public services providers, environmental agencies
    • NGOs
    • Development related organization

After graduation, the new experts easily find a job in the private market or at consultancies. Here, in particular, the employers appreciate the international and intercultural experience of our students. Those who have been sent by an institution for further education, usually will be promoted to a higher position after return. Some of them even started their own private business.

Many of our graduates continue their academic career with a PhD study at a german or international university or joining a university as teacher in their home country.




our alumni work in management positions


our alumni have a doctorate

Writing about 14 scientific papers, continuing my study at PhD and employment at the Germany's national research center for aeronautics and space (DLR - German Aerospace Center) were the most outcomes of my study at the HFT.

Prof. Dr. H.A.,

Alumni Network HFT Stuttgart - University of Applied Sciences

This alumni network is a communication platform for all students and friends of the HFT.

Map with the worldwide distribution of Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics Alumni

Alumni Services for the Master Programme Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

Send your e-mail address to the course coordinator master-pg(at), and you receive regular updates about news from the master programme, national and international job openings, as well as open PhD positions.

If you would like to contact former classmates or other alumni, please contact the course coordinator.

Graduates of Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics

AGSE Summer Schools for our Alumni

The series of Alumni Summer School dates back in 2008 when graduates and academic staff of HFT Stuttgart designed in Trivandrum, India, this interdisciplinary, international forum to facilitate the exchange of know-how and experiences in the field of Geoinformatic applications.

AGSE Summer School 2019 Gruppenbild

My most exciting experience was to meet people from all over the world. We developed a strong friendship with all classmates and during our free time we could travel around all these countries as a result of conversations, food, and music.

M.R.A. M.,
El Salvador

Facilities & Laboratories

  • Messungen beim Integrierten Mess Projekt (IVP)
    Laboratory for Geodetic Measurement TechniquesDetails
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik BIM 3D-Modell
    Laboratory for Building Information Modeling in Surveying and Geoinformatics (BIM-VG)Details
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik Auswertung Laserscanning
    Laboratory for Geodetic Data ProcessingDetails
  • Laserscanning
    Laboratory for Engineering Measurement TechniquesDetails
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik Auswertung Geoinformationssystem (GIS)
    Laboratory for interoperable, and open-source Geospatial Software, Data and Standards (HFT ICA-OSGeo-Lab)Details
  • Studierende an Bildschirmen
    Laboratory for Image Understanding and Earth Observation Sensors (LIMES)Details
  • Studenten der Informationslogistik am 3D-Drucker
    3D Fabber-LabDetails
  • Messkammer Virtual Reality Industrie 4.0 Labor
    Industry 4.0 LaboratoryDetails
  • Schlauer Klaus Industrie 4.0 Labor Informationslogistik
    Laboratory for Sensor and Identification SystemsDetails
  • Gruppenbild Fachbeirat Geodäsie der HFT Stuttgart
    Advisory Board Geodesy of the HFT StuttgartDetails


A verification of proficiency of your English language is absolutely required! You can provide a TOEFL test (550 points), a computer based TOEFL test (213 points), an internet based TOEFL test (80 points), an IELTS test (6.0) or an equivalent proof.

Current Note:
Applicants who are unable to take the TOEFL test at a test center due to pandemic restrictions will be temporarily offered the TOEFL Special Home Edition test. For more information, please visit the TOEFL Special Home Edition website.

There's no study fee to pay. A fee for the Student Services amounting to 134,70 Euro, an administration charge of 70 Euro, a fee for the constituded student body of 14 Euro and 11 Euro for the student ID Card has to be paid. So altogether you'll have to pay 229,70 Euro for the first semester and 218,70 Euro for each further semester. Attention: The state government of Baden-Württemberg has introduced study fees of 1500,- Euro per semester for international students coming from non EU-Countries starting from winter semester 2017/18. According to an additional statutory regulation (Verordnung des Wissenschaftsministeriums über die Befreiung von Studiengebühren für Internationale Studierende) international students who are studying in a course funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in its program of Development-related master's degree courses (EPOS), like the course Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, are exempted from the study fees if they

  • (a) receive a scholarship from the DAAD or
  • (b) have the nationality of a signatory country of the Partnership Agreement 2000/483 / EC between the members of the group of States in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean on the one hand and the European Community on the other hand, signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 (known as ACP countries) or
  • (c) have the nationality of a State which, according to the list of the United Nations, is one of the least developed countries.

No, but if you are coming as an exchange student based on a special agreement between the Universities, you have to pay only the fee for the Student Services.

There is no age limit for the study programme.

The two years of professional experience is optional. You will get additional scores in the ranking list of applicants. So you should apply also, if you have less than two years of professional experience. For application for a DAAD scholarship, professional experience is mandatory.

The employment regulations for international students are rather strict. You will find more information about this topic on the DAAD-Homepage

There are several options, additional information you'll find on the Homepage of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.

he degree opens the possibility of further PhD study programmes in Germany as well as other countries.

No, you have to provide a printed version of your application including certified copies of your certificates sent by regular mail.

For your application for a study place or your application for a DAAD scholarship, you will need various certified copies.

You can find information about this on the Wikipedia article "certified copy"

The high quality of the education is guaranteed by the successful ASIIN Accreditation. Furthermore "this Master's programme achieved excellent results, evaluated as "Premium Seal" programme in a report written on behalf of the DAAD in 2009. Moreover, it has successfully established itself as a leader in teaching, receiving students from all over the world. (Excerpt from DAAD publication "Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2012/2013"). This programme is a full member of the DAAD EPOS programme and will be supported by a large number of the DAAD-scholarships.

New 2012: Online Preparation Course for prospective students. This new online course offers a self-assessment test to give the student some idea about the own general background knowledge. Here the main fields of study are covered like GIS and Remote Sensing, but also some basics in Mathematics and Statistics are touched. To refresh the student knowledge some basic tutorials are offered for self-study. Additional material and information to prepare for the study course is provided as well. The implementation of the Online Preparation Course was funded by DAAD.

In general, Stuttgart is a save and pro-foreigner city. But as it is also one of the economic hype cities in Germany, so it is very difficult to find furnished apartments in Stuttgart. And they will be very expensive, much more than student's accommodations. Therefore we advice you, not to bring your family with you.

The living costs are estimated to about 850 Euro a month. This includes about 320 Euro rent for a room in a student dormitory. The rest covers the mandatory health insurance, a student ticket for public transport and other daily expenses like food and so on.

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. It is not possible to enroll for the study without a proof. Up to the age of 30 years you can get it at the public health insurance. The International Student Office (ISO) will help you to find a private health insurance if you are older than 30 years.

There are no student's accommodations on the campus of the university, but at different locations in the city of Stuttgart. If you use public transport, it takes usually maximum 15 minutes to reach the university. The city of Stuttgart is offering a student's ticket valid for 6 months for all buses and subways. It is valid in the whole region of Stuttgart and the ticket costs 207,00 Euro. In addition, with your student's card you will get from the university, public transportation is free of charge each day from 6 pm till 6 am and for the whole weekend.

Stuttgart is a vibrant, fascinating city and the state capital of Baden-Württemberg with more than 2.5 million inhabitants. It is the economic, cultural, sporting and social hub of a region located in the heart of Europe. Located in the south-west of Germany, Stuttgart is a perfect starting point for trips to the Black Forest, the Swabian Mountains, the Lake of Constance as well as the adjoining countries Austria, France or Switzerland. More about Stuttgart:

When you arrive

The first days in a new city, country or even continent are a challenge. With the information provided by the International Student Office (ISO) of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences we want to disburden you within your first days here in Stuttgart.


After your admission to the master course has been accepted, you can book a room (ISO) in one of the student residences of the Studentenwerk Stuttgart. These are single rooms with shared kitchen, living room and bathroom facilities. All of the student residences can be reached easily by public transportation Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart (VVS).

Information about special regulations, hygiene concept etc. at the HFT Stuttgart can be found under Corona Update.


INTERGEO 2024 in Stuttgart - HFT Stuttgart ist participating!
Digitalisation and information management day 2024

Contact person

Paul Rawiel
Paul Rawiel +49 711 8926 2529
Matthias Roth +49 711 8926 2510
Susanne Hilligardt +49 711 8926 2606