The laboratory investigates and promotes the use of open source geoinformatics applications and freely available geodata and is designed as a flexible supplement to the standard GIS installations in the rooms of the computer centre and the faculty. It uses a central server on which the software packages and work environments for student education and research tasks are set up. For use in student teaching and practice, the existing PC rooms of the information centre are used as workstations.
The use in teaching takes place in the following courses and modules:
It can also be used in modules dealing with Internet technology, image processing and the processing of GPS data. E-learning content is obtained (in English) via the ICA-OSGeo network [2].
The laboratory is part of a worldwide network of "ICA-OSGeo-Open Source Geospatial Labs" [1] with more than 50 universities worldwide, which integrate the use and promotion of open source into teaching. The basis is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGEO) on the occasion of the InterGEO in Nuremberg (September 27, 2011) [2]. It states: "The MoU aims to provide expertise and support for the establishment of Open Source Geospatial Laboratories and Research Centres across the world for supporting development of open-source geospatial software technologies, training and expertise".
Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Behr represents the areas of geo web services (WMS, WFS, WCS, ...), spatial databases, data modelling and open data. Prof. Dr. Hardy Lehmkühler covers the area of web processing services and metadata.
The laboratory actively seeks collaboration with partners inside and outside the university.