The Laboratory for Sensor and Identification Systems houses computer workstations and various servers where student projects can be realized. In addition to the computer workstations, various mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones and Nokia devices are available to realize projects with mobile applications. These include, for example, geovisualization, 3D city models for mobile navigation systems, or a mobile carfinder for car2go (Daimler AG), which locates available vehicles outdoors using GPS and indoors using sensors such as gyroscopes and acceleration sensors. The laboratory also has a system for indoor real-time location installed, which uses active RFID technology to identify and track objects in 3D. For example, a forklift truck in a warehouse could be controlled automatically. Using passive RFID tags, a package to be shipped can provide information about the destination in the form of an RFID tag attached to the package itself. A reader can then determine whether the parcel has been packed into the right vehicle, which will travel the appropriate route. In order to be able to simulate such example scenarios, the laboratory has appropriate hardware in the form of RFID readers and RFID tags as well as a software platform for managing objects and RFID tags linked to these objects and the readers with the associated read events.

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