The earth! It is the workplace of engineers in surveying and geoinformatics, or "geodesists" for short. It is their job to record, map and visualize the world in 3D.

As diverse as our earth is, as comprehensive are the fields of application of geoinformation engineers. On the page "What is surveying and geoinformatics?" you can find a compilation about the diverse professional field.

During your studies you will learn all the necessary basics needed to perform these exciting tasks responsibly. You will learn about different measuring instruments, measuring and evaluation methods and software programmes.

This is achieved through lectures and practical exercises. The study program can be customized in many places, e.g. through electives. The integration of external lecturers as well as modern measuring equipment and software support an up-to-date, practice-oriented study.
STUDY & WORK offers the opportunity to study under conditions similar to those of a dual study programme.

Course language is german!

For further profile enhancement, three master's degree programs are offered at the HFT Stuttgart. Our graduates have excellent career prospects and are ingreat demand both at home and abroad!

Application deadline

15 January (summer semester)
July 15 (winter semester)

Study time

7 Semester

Study title

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Why study surveying and geoinformatics?

Good reasons to study Surveying and Geoinformatics!
  • Studies with high practical relevance
  • Core areas from surveying, geoinformatics and land management
  • use the latest technology
  • extremely diverse career opportunities
  • working indoors and outdoors
  • participate in exciting projects
  • excellent career prospects
Gruppenbild Studienbereich Vermessung
We accompany your studies

The course of study is particularly characterised by the diversity of the profession, the manageable semester size and the modern instruments.

[Image: Studienbereich Vermessung]
Patrick Woll,
Surveying engineer at Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co.KG


Study structure - course language is german!








Individual deepening


Mathematics and physics


Key Qualifications

Basic studies

In the 1st and 2nd semester, the basics of surveying technology, GNSS and geoinformation systems as well as scientific content and key qualifications are taught. The latter already prepare students at the beginning of their studies for later seminars, project presentations and possible stays abroad.


Main studies

In the 3rd and 4th semester the specialist knowledge is extended and deepened. Laser scanning, photogrammetry, geodetic networks, adjustment calculation and web technology are the keywords here. For this purpose, an insight into civil engineering is given. An integrated surveying project, in which contents from several modules are to be applied, rounds off this part of the course.


In the 5th semester, one or more study projects are worked on in the supervised practical semester in close cooperation with practice. This semester is also ideal for gaining experience abroad. The degree course in Surveying and Geoinformatics expressly supports stays abroad and offers ideal conditions for this due to the numerous international contacts to partner universities, companies and institutions.

The supervised practical semester can also be carried out within the framework of the Practical training centres that specifically want to support prospective students can conclude contracts with these organisations for working hours in the company during the course of their studies.

The supervised practical semester can also be carried out within the framework of a "study-accompanying education contract". Practical training centres that want to specifically support prospective students can conclude contracts with these for working hours in the company during the course of studies.


In the 6th and 7th semesters, the programme includes planning, land readjustment, valuation and official surveying. Other important qualifications for engineers are taught in legal, economic and management modules. Students can also set individual focal points in this stage of their studies. For example, in the processing of an interdisciplinary geoinformatics project, the choice of specialisation modules and an individual scientific project work as preparation for the Bachelor thesis.

With the bachelor thesis the students should show that they are able to work independently on a chosen project in a given time and to complete it successfully. Tasks result from research work of the professors or from cooperation with practice. The Bachelor thesis can of course also be completed at partner universities or companies abroad. The Bachelor thesis must be presented in a seminar. Examples of Bachelor's thesis topics from previous years.
The Bachelor's thesis can also be completed within the framework of a "study-accompanying education contract" or with a STUDY & WORK partner, subject to agreement on the content.


Our professors encourage us to carry out experiments independently and also to take paths that are not considered to be common practice. In this way we can learn from our tasks and grow from them. Even if one or the other measuring process does not run as expected, we are always driven to keep trying and learn from our mistakes, I appreciate that very much.

[Image: Anna-Maria Kunzi]
Anna-Maria Kunzi,
Students in Bachelor Surveying and Geoinformatics


What is it actually? - Can I study surveying and geoinformatics dual?

You are applying or already studying regularly in the study program Surveying and Geoinformatics at the HFT Stuttgart. At the same time, you have successfully applied for a study-accompanying education contract with one of our STUDY & WORK partners. This allows you to work during your studies, earn money and gain valuable practical experience at the same time. The contract specifies the dovetailing of studies and in-company practical phases. Typical practical phases are the semester breaks, the practical semester and the bachelor's thesis. In addition, if possible, one day per week is kept free during the lecture period for working in the partner company. Other contract contents are the remuneration and further rights and obligations.

The study of surveying and geoinformatics is designed as a full-time study. The STUDY & WORK program offers conditions similar to those of a dual study program. Students can work during their studies, earn money and gain additional practical experience at the same time.

The program largely corresponds to the "study with in-depth practical phases" model, which is also offered by other universities and used by numerous official agencies for funding.

The Surveying and Geoinformatics program is designed as a full-time study program.

STUDY & WORK requires special commitment, personal responsibility and time management.

Provided that you can cope with the course material and the tasks, it is realistic to work no more than one day per week during the lecture period.

During the three-week exam period (incl. exam preparation week) per semester, we recommend focusing exclusively on the exams.

During the lecture and exam-free period, there are hardly any restrictions regarding work activities.

You are applying or already studying regularly in the study program Surveying and Geoinformatics at the HFT Stuttgart.

In parallel and independently, you apply for a study-accompanying education contract with one of our STUDY & WORK partners. Inform the Dean of Studies, Prof. Dr. Hardy Lehmkühler, if you have concluded a corresponding contract.

There is usually a clause in the contract that it becomes invalid without a study place or only comes into effect later (when the study place is obtained).

As a rule, you currently get a study place if you apply and fulfill the formal conditions.

As a rule, you currently get a study place if you apply and meet the formal requirements.

Applying for a STUDY & WORK contract has no influence on this.

Yes, many partner companies are also open to "after the fact" contracts.

In general, all surveying or engineering offices, planning and consulting offices, surveying and geoinformatics departments in the public sector at the federal, state and local levels, in construction companies, in industry (e.g. mechanical engineering, plant construction), in equipment development, in software companies or in research institutions are eligible.

Possibility 1: The company offers something similar under a different name.

For example, ask for a "study-accompanying education contract", "study with in-depth practical phases", "working student activity", etc. Such contracts are similarly designed and can also be combined with the study program Surveying and Geoinformatics at the HFT Stuttgart.

Possibility 2: The company does not currently offer anything comparable.

If the company is interested in STUDY & WORK, it is welcome to contact us - see FAQ entry "How does a company become a STUDY & WORK partner?".

Please contact the faculty advisor Matthias Roth.

We will be happy to provide companies with a sample contract upon request and advise you on this.

We would be pleased to name you as a partner company on this website.

In addition to BAföG, scholarships can also help finance your studies. The HFT Stuttgart is in charge of two scholarships:

  • HFT Scholarship 
  • Germany Scholarship

You can find further information under "Financing".

Partner companies of STUDY & WORK

Stays abroad

What does a stay abroad during my studies offer me?
  • Individual education
  • Networking
  • Intercultural competence
  • Foreign language skills
  • Strengthening personal character traits (independence, flexibility, initiative, assertiveness)
Studentin mit Rucksack bereit für Auslandserfahrungen
How do I integrate a stay abroad into my studies?
  • during a study semester
  • during the supervised practical study project
  • during the final thesis

A stay abroad is explicitly supported by the study program! In the field of surveying and geoinformatics of the HFT Stuttgart there are numerous international university partnerships and further foreign contacts to companies and institutions.

For preparation and planning of a semester abroad you can contact the International Office of the university, or the international representative of the Department of Surveying Prof. Dr. Paul Rawiel.

Vermessung und Geoinformatik Einsatz in der Polarfoschung

Partner universities and contacts abroad

Especially studying at a partner university in the course of an exchange semester offers the following advantages:

  • simple application procedure
  • regulated recognition of achievements
  • no tuition fees
  • easier access to student residences
Federal University of Paraná Curitiba Brasilien
University of El Salvador San Salvador El Salvador
Cundinamarca University Barrancabermeja Kolumbien
Technologico de Monterrey Monterrey Mexico
Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY) Yucatan Mexico
Anna University Chennai (Madras) Indien
CEPT University Ahmedabad Indien
Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Trivandrum Indien
University of Kerala Thiruvananthapuran Indien
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Jahor Malaysia
Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Türkei
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia Bulgarien
Ecole Supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes (ESGT) Le Mans Frankreich
Università degli Studi di Parma Parma Italien
Technical University Riga Riga Lettland
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography Moskau Russland
Strydom & Associates Land Surveyors Windhoek Namibia
Hughes Surveys & Consultant Inc. New Brunswick Kanada
Cyra Technologies Oakland USA
Flatirons Surveying Inc. Boulder USA
Meridian Surveying Engineering Inc. San Francisco USA
Woods Land Surveying San Diego USA
Ed. Züblin AG Singapore Singapore Singapore
United Surveyors Pte. Ltd. Singapore Singapore
Wang & EF Tan Associates Singapore Singapore


Qasco Surveys Pty. Ltd. - seit 2013 übernommen von der AAM Group South Brisbane, Queensland Australien
School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management St. Lucia, Queensland Australien
ERSIS Australia South Brisbane, Queensland Australien
Survey 21 Pty. Ltd. Camberwell, Victoria Australien
Yasco Northern Surveys Pty. Ltd. Stuart Park Australien
Trimble New Zealand Riccarton, Christchurch Neuseeland
Aalborg University, Dept. of Development & Planning Aalborg Denmark
GEODE Chambery France
Jaques Boch - Geometre Expert D.P.L.G. Chambery France
APR Services Ltd. London Great Britain
Initial Land Surveys, Central Depot Sheffield Great Britain
European Academy Bolzano Bolzano Italy
Surveyor Josef Raffeiner Eppan Italy
SISCAM S.r.l. Florence Italy
Societa Generale Di Topografia S.r.l. Reggio Emilia Italy
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG Bregenz Austria
Engineering Consortium Surveying AVT ZT Imst Austria
GIS Market Support Association Moscow Russia
NAVGEOKOM Moscow Russia
Trimble Nordic Danderyd Sweden
Leica Geosystems AG Heerbrugg Switzerland
Terra Surveys AG Zurich Switzerland
University of Zurich-Irchel, Institute of Geography Zurich Switzerland
STRAT geodetske storitve d.o.o. Velenje Slovenia
Institut Carografic de Catalunya Barcelona Spain

South Tyrol is the short holiday country par excellence and I was also 4 years before my internship already once a week in South Tyrol. However, it makes a big difference in how you perceive the country and its people, whether you "only" look at holiday there or lives and works there.

Thimo Harder,
Student in Bachelor Surveying Geoinformatics

Application & Admission

The application for the bachelor's programme Surveying and Geoinformatics is done online.

Prerequisite for admission is the certificate of the general higher education entrance qualification, the subject-related higher education entrance qualification or the advanced technical college entrance qualification.

No pre-study internship is required! If you have no relevant training, it might be worth considering the future job description and doing a short internship before you start studying. Possibilities for this exist in surveying or engineering offices, in planning and consulting offices, in the public service at federal, state and local level, in construction companies, in industry (e.g. mechanical engineering, plant construction), in equipment development, in software companies or in research institutions. Address such places in your place of residence. They will usually be happy to help you.


Finished your studies! What then?

Graduates of "geodesy courses" have the best prospects for an exciting and versatile job. The demand for qualified specialists is very high!

Due to a wide range of tasks, there are numerous jobs in the most diverse areas of public administrations, the free economy and research.

The use of the latest technologies also opens up new fields of activity.

For further education, the HFT Stuttgart offers the following advanced Master's degree programs:


have a suitable job immediately after graduation


additionally do a Master degree

Facilities & Laboratories

  • Messungen beim Integrierten Mess Projekt (IVP)
    Laboratory for Geodetic Measurement TechniquesDetails
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik BIM 3D-Modell
    Laboratory for Building Information Modeling in Surveying and Geoinformatics (BIM-VG)Details
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik Auswertung Laserscanning
    Laboratory for Geodetic Data ProcessingDetails
  • Laserscanning
    Laboratory for Engineering Measurement TechniquesDetails
  • Vermessung und Geoinformatik Auswertung Geoinformationssystem (GIS)
    Laboratory for interoperable, and open-source Geospatial Software, Data and Standards (HFT ICA-OSGeo-Lab)Details
  • Studierende an Bildschirmen
    Laboratory for Image Understanding and Earth Observation Sensors (LIMES)Details
  • Studenten der Informationslogistik am 3D-Drucker
    3D Fabber-LabDetails
  • Messkammer Virtual Reality Industrie 4.0 Labor
    Industry 4.0 LaboratoryDetails
  • Schlauer Klaus Industrie 4.0 Labor Informationslogistik
    Laboratory for Sensor and Identification SystemsDetails
  • Gruppenbild Fachbeirat Geodäsie der HFT Stuttgart
    Advisory Board Geodesy of the HFT StuttgartDetails


INTERGEO 2024 in Stuttgart - HFT Stuttgart ist participating!
Digitalisation and information management day 2024

Meeting place for GIS specialists from Baden-Württemberg

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KonGeoS 2024 Gruppenfoto aller Teilnehmer:innen

24th Conference of Geodesy Students in Stuttgart

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BDB-Preisverleihung 2024 an HFT Absolventin im Bachelor Vermessung und Geoinformatik

Lisa Dietz receives the BDB Prize

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Award for the best degree in surveying and geoinformatics

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Gruppenbild Vermessungs- und Geoinformatik-Studierende der HFT und aus Brasilien

The Integrated Surveying Project (IVP) 2024

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Dr. Gamini Jayathissa and Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schröder

Dr. Gamini Jayathissa from Sri Lanka visited the Master's course in Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics at HFT Stuttgart

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Vermessungsdrohne mit Multispektralkamera fliegt über einen Mistelzweig

Drone flights with multispectral camera to detect mistletoe infestation in orchards

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Die Studenten und Studentinnen im Bachelor Studiengang Vermessung und Geoinformatik an der HFT Stuttgart Wintersemester 2023 werden begrüsst

About 30 students of the study program surveying and geoinformatics have started at HFT.

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HFT-Logo am Eingang der HFT Stuttgart

Since 2009 lectureship of the company topometric GmbH at the HFT Stuttgart

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The startup PrintToScan receives a coveted EXIST Founder Grant of €125,000 for a newly developed measurement process.

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Gruppenbild der Workshop-Teilnehmer vor New Yorker Skyline

Full success in the NeMDa workshop in NYC and Rincon

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Übergabe des Harbert-Buchpreises 2022 an Herrn Hiller

Handover of the Harbert Book Prize

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Elias Pantle und Jonas Marquart, HFT Alumni des Studiengangs Vermessung und Geoinformatik, mit Moderatorin Annette Krause vom SWR bei den Dreharbeiten in der Kolbinger Höhle. Die Aufnahmen sind Teil einer neuen Folge „SWR Expedition in die Heimat“ und sind am 17.06.2022 um 20:15 Uhr im SWR Fernsehen zu sehen.

HFT surveying and geoinformatics alumni filming the SWR series "Expedition in die Heimat"

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I decided to study Surveying and Geoinformatics because at a training fair it was said that I could "play around" with expensive technology.

[Image: Studienbereich Vermessung]
Patrick Woll,
Surveying engineer at Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co.KG

The study course Surveying and Geoinformatics is characterised by its versatility. It is reminiscent of business studies - nowadays, especially due to the influence of information technology, one has the opportunity to work anywhere.

[Image: Fabian Müller]
Fabian Müller,
LBBW Immobilien Kommunalentwicklung GmbH

Contact person

Hardy Lehmkühler
Hardy Lehmkühler +49 711 8926 2607
Susanne Hilligardt +49 711 8926 2606