Application start and deadline summer & winter semester

Nov. Start date for applications summer term

May Start date for applications winter term

15.01 Last possible date for applications / summer term

15.07 Last possible date for applications / winter term (see table below for deviating deadline interior design)

Eine Frau sitzt am Fenster und sucht einen freien Studienplatz am Laptop

Application for summer semester 2025 at a glance

Submission of the online application for 1st and higher semester:

Detailed application procedure: 1st semester / higher semester

The application procedure is online! This means that you upload all your documents in the HFT application portal. Please do not send us any paper documents! This is only the case at the time of enrollment/registration.

All bachelor programmes at the HFT Stuttgart (except Bachelor of Mathematics) are subject to local admission restrictions, i.e. only a limited number of places are available. Information on the allocation procedure can be found here

Deadlines, Preliminary Internship and selection criteria


The following table shows you at a glance the application deadlines for our individual Bachelor's programmes, whether you need a pre-study internship and which eligibility criteria improve your chances of admission.

Overview of study programmes with deadlines and preliminary internship

Requirements fulfilled? Then you can start with your application!

What do I need for my application?

Studierende betreten Bau 1 der HFT über den Haupteingang

Check, scan and upload:

Online application procedure, therefore important

  • a valid e-mail address & regular checking of messages
  • Internet access and scanner to upload the necessary documents
  • Regular login to the respective application portals (check status of your application and your priorities)

Do you need additional information on the following topics?


Application for a Bachelor programme 1st semester

Eine Fotografie der Tische in Bau 1

Paperless online application via and HFT applicant portal

  • register at (DOSV)
  • You will receive access data (BID/BAN)
  • direct forwarding to our applicant portal or direct access
  • automatic transfer of data by entering BID/BAN
  • provide the necessary information for the application
  • upload relevant documents


Submit application by entering BID and BAN

  • Application/processing status visible at any time on both portals
  • Be sure to check your prioritization on!
  • wait and see if you get a licence

The application and coordination phase on and why prioritising your applications is so important!

Application phase 11. November 2024 - 15. January 2025

Prioritization: Why is it important that I put my applications in a desired order?

What does my application status mean?

Application for a Bachelor's programme higher semester

Eine Glasfront vor Vorlesungsräumen

Paperless online application via HFT applicant portal

Application submitted and then?

  • Application/processing status can be viewed at any time on the HFT application portal
  • wait and see if you get a licence


General Contact Student's admissions office

What do I have to consider if I was already enrolled at another university?

What is the waiting time and how is it calculated?

My diploma is not yet available, can I still apply?