By influencing the way we live in many different ways, architects design our built environment. The Bachelor's programme in architecture provides the complete base required to perform this task responsibly: knowledge of technical, scientific and design disciplines, an understanding of social, ecological and economic interrelationships. All resulting in the ability to unite all these concerns in a design. These skills are acquired in lectures and seminars, through excursions and visits, but above all in intensively supervised design tasks.

A consecutive Master's programme complements the profile and opens the way to the profession as an architect.

Application deadline

By 15 January (summer semester)
By 15 July (winter semester)

Study time

6 semesters (including practical semester), pre-study internship required

Study title

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)



An overview of the most impressive student works of the past year from all degree programmes at the Faculty of Architecture and Design.

The presence exhibition at the university in Building 8 showed a selection of student works from 17 to 24 October 2024.
All the best student works can still be seen in the digital collection:
Have fun discovering!


Programme Composition

Hardly any other profession requires as diverse a knowledge base as that of the architect. Accordingly, the curriculum contains a wide variety of content – from technical and scientific subjects to the culture of building, presentation and design, and on to social, legal, organisational or economic topics. All these topics are brought together in predominantly interdisciplinary design projects.


About a fifth of the course consists of seminars and lectures on technical fundamentals such as building construction, building physics, materials science and structural design, as well as legal and organisational topics.


Just under a third of the course is allocated to the culture of building and design – topics such as architectural history, urban planning, building theory, design theory and presentation techniques – from freehand drafting to computer aided visualisation.


The biggest emphasis in the programme is put on extensive project and design tasks, which are worked on individually and in small groups with the support of accompanying lectures.

Course of studies

The Bachelor's programme in architecture has a standard duration of six semesters. It is divided into four theoretical university semesters, a supervised practical project and the concluding semester with the Bachelor Thesis.

Here you can find previous study examination regulations.

Basic knowledge transfer

In the first four semesters, students acquire all the basics needed for their own design work. The diverse range of topics includes technical disciplines such as building construction, structural framework and building services engineering, cultural and social principles of architecture and, of course, spatial design and presentation using contemporary tools. All these skills are applied and practised immediately in design workshops and integrated projects.


Supervised practical project

In the 5th semester, students have two different options for applying and deepening the skills they have acquired so far: either through an internship of several months in an architecture or planning office or through a semester abroad at one of our partner universities. Parallel to this, block courses are held at the HFT, in which students are prepared for their work in the office and are given the opportunity to evaluate their practical activities in a reflected manner.


Bachelor Thesis

Rather than requiring a written thesis as in other programmes, the Bachelor's Thesis in the architecture programme consists of a larger architectural design. In addition to design topics suggested by the programme, students can also work on individually chosen topics. Preliminary exercises appropriate to the respective topic facilitate the start of the design process.


Key aspects

Eine Studierende hält ein Skizzenbuch


Climate change & resource consumption

The construction and operation of buildings consumes enormous amounts of energy and raw materials and is also responsible for a large part of the volume in global waste. The construction industry therefore has a special responsibility when it comes to limiting the consumption of resources, counteracting climate change and ensuring liveable conditions for all people.

Sustainable buildings

Dealing intensely with questions of climate-friendly and resource-efficient construction in all phases of their studies lets our students acquire sound knowledge in these fields and in turn prepares them to plan sustainable buildings that are fit for the future.

Architekturmodelle auf einem Tisch bei der Ausstellung

Integrated projects

Design, building construction, supporting structure & climate

In the second, third and fourth semesters, our students work on three integrated projects. In addition to design and construction, these extensive tasks deal with the concerns of structural planning and the large field of indoor climate, comfort and energy. They are intensively supervised by an interdisciplinary team of lecturers.

Special teaching model

Instead of testing with a theoretical exam, this special teaching model lets students apply the content acquired in lectures and seminars directly to their own designs. Not only providing more fun, this also achieves demonstrably better learning results.

Studierende im Atrium Bau 8

Freedom of choice

Personal priorities

For the 2019 summer semester, we have significantly expanded the possibility to set your own focus and to deepen your own interests during your studies. Ever since, all students have been able to choose from the complete range of electives offered by the Faculty of Architecture and Design – regardless of whether the subject is offered by the students’ own course or by another.

Interdisciplinary specialisation

In these subjects, students from different programmes and semester associations come together to learn with and from each other.

Practical relevance

A university degree is more than just vocational training. Especially for an occupation as an architect, it is essential to acquire a broad general knowledge, a rich cultural background and the ability to reflect critically during the course of studies in order to be able to act in a forward-looking and creative manner in a complex field of activity. Despite this deliberately broad perspective, however, we also want to prepare our students for a smooth transition into professional life, which is why we place great value on the practical relevance of our courses.

Reallabor – The Dächle in the Design-Built-Week

Elective subject Economic Sustainability - MACHINE | Climate-Friendly and…

Interdisciplinary approach

The architect is still the generalist among planners. One of their central tasks is to consider the multitude of functional, social, technical and design requirements and to sensibly bring them together in a design. The possibility to work on a majority of design tasks in an interdisciplinary way will already during the studies help train the necessary thought process – frequently in cooperation with students from neighbouring courses.

Preliminary internship and supervised practical project

Only those who know the demands that await on the job can prepare for them accordingly. In the same way, theoretically acquired knowledge and skills can only be fully conceived and consolidated through their application in the field. In the course of their studies, through the mandatory pre-study internship and through a supervised practical project, students gain a clear insight into their future work.


Most of the professors teaching are actively working in the field, running renowned architectural and engineering offices. Consequently they are constantly facing the current issues of planning and construction and so can impart this experience directly into their teaching.



You have the opportunity to study one semester at one of our partner universities worldwide. The international office supports you in preparing for your stay abroad.

A list of possible partner universities can be found on the homepage of the International Office:

Please refer to the list to find out which partner universities are suitable for architecture.

Foreign representative Prof. Harald Roser
Telephone: +49 (0) 711 8926 2627
Fax: +49 (0) 711 8926 2594
Room 8/1.01



  • German university qualification or equivalent foreign educational qualifications.
  • Prior to the start of the programme, an internship of at least two months in an architectural office and/or in the construction industry is required. The internship must be completed after obtaining the university entrance qualification. A written internship report covering this time is required. It needs to be submitted at the student office by beginning of the lecture. Please refer to the information sheet on the pre-study internship.

Slots in the programme are allocated according to a selection procedure specific to the university. Job training in the construction sector will be taken into account in the selection procedure.

You will find complete information on the application at this link. There you will find additional information on all the required documents as well as on selection and admission.

Application deadline
15 January annually for the summer semester
15 July annually for the winter semester 

Do you have any questions about studying or applying?
Just write to:

We are looking forward to your application and wish you all the best!

Professional qualification

Graduates of the Bachelor's programme in architecture have extensive specialist knowledge in the field of planning and construction as well as the ability to communicate and coordinate. These skills will let you contribute to the planning of buildings in architectural or engineering offices, or work in companies in the construction or real estate industry as well as in public administration. After a preparatory phase of one or two years, you will also have access to leadership careers in public service.

Admission to professional organisations (german Architektenkammer)

The profession of architect is protected in many countries and may only be practised with the appropriate proven qualifications. In Germany this is regulated by the states’ respective laws. In principle, they require a successfully completed degree in architecture with a standard period of study of at least four years.
The Bachelor's degree in architecture is offered at the HFT Stuttgart with a standard programme duration of six semesters. Appending this with the Master's programme in architecture with a standard duration of four semesters, this results in a total of ten semesters, which accordingly entitles students to be admitted to the Architektenkammer in all German federal states. In order to be registered in the roll of architects and to work as a freelance architect, an additional two years of work as an intern (AiP—architect in practical training) is required after absolving the programme.


The degree ‘Master of Arts’ of the consecutive Bachelor-Master programme in Architecture at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences has been ratified at the European Commission since August 2016. As a result, all graduates with this degree are now entitled to the recognition of their professional qualifications in all 27 member states of the European Union. This also applies retroactively to all graduates since the introduction of the Bachelor-Master programme in the 2005 summer semester, eliminating the previous recognition procedure with its time-consuming case-by-case examination and high processing fees.

UIA Conformity

The Charter for the Education of Architects by UNESCO and UIA (Union Internationale des Architectes) not only specifies what content should be included in an architectural degree programme, but also that it should comprise at least 10 academic semesters of full-time study. For students who want their studies to meet the UIA criteria, a priority should therefore be to complete their fifth semester abroad at one of our partner universities (Supervised Practical Study Project) instead of an office internship. This is regarded as an academic semester conforming to UIA. With the Bachelor's and Master's programme at the HFT a total of ten semesters can be certified.

The diploma supplement, an appendix to the diploma, verifies these facts in a way reproducible by potential employers.


The programme is accredited by the Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V. (ASIIN— Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Mathematics).

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