As a university of applied sciences, we train our students in a very practical way. Practical experience is integrated into the curriculum in various ways. This enables students to gain professional experience during their studies and to build up a valuable network for their career entry.

The supervised practical study project is a six-month company internship, which is completed in the fifth semester.


All information, templates and forms for the supervised practical study project can be found in the Moodle course Project Examination Office

The Supervised Practical Study Project (BPS) at the University of Applied Sciences (HFT) comprises six months in a company or in another institution of professional practice (practice place) in accordance with § 4 (2) of the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) Part A. In the BPS, practice-related study achievements are to be completed in a company or in another institution of professional practice (practical training position) according to the scope regulated in the respective degree programme.

One of the prerequisites for the successful completion of the BPS is the completion of the minimum number of days of attendance set by the course of study.

The academic semester at the HFT runs from March 1 to August 31 (summer semester) or September 1 to the end of February (winter semester). During this period, the BPS will focus on the time of the semester. The beginning or end of the BPS can also be extended to the lecture-free period immediately before or after the designated practical semester, as long as there are no exam-relevant dates in this period and the total duration of six months is not exceeded.

A six-month BPS is prescribed in all HFT Bachelor's degree programmes. According to examination regulations, at least 96 days in the practical training position must be achieved after deduction of any days of absence.

The educational objectives are regulated differently in the various courses of study. Students receive a leaflet with information to help them find a suitable training place. The training objectives are listed in the annex to the model contract.

You are very welcome to publish your vacant internship positions in the job exchange of the University of Applied Sciences.

It is also possible to post flyers or job advertisements in the respective degree programmes. Please send your document as a pdf to praktikantenamt(at) We will forward your posting directly to the respective course of studies.

Minimum Wage Act

Due to the law regulating a general minimum wage (Mindestlohngesetz - MiLoG of August 11, 2014 (BGBl. I p. 1348 ff.)) uncertainties have arisen with regard to the internship and the days of presence. The Universities of Applied Sciences Baden-Württemberg e.V. have developed a leaflet which also indicates when companies do not have to pay a minimum wage to interns.

Conclusion: Within the six months of BPS, which is a mandatory internship in the SPO of the HFT, students are not required to pay a minimum wage. Here, it is not the number of minimum attendance days that counts when calculating the contract period, but the maximum number of months the internship may have. An internship contract can therefore be concluded over a period of six months without having to worry about and pay the minimum wage.

Social security

Compulsory internships according to the SPO are generally exempt from health, nursing, pension and unemployment insurance. The duration of the internship, the weekly working hours and the amount of any remuneration paid are irrelevant.


In the case of compulsory internships according to the SPO, there is a compulsory accident insurance. The reason for this is that, as a rule, this is not an employment relationship in the sense of social insurance law, but merely a transfer of the training from the university to the company. The insurance cover extends to all activities that are causally related to the training in the BPS. The insurance carrier is the professional association responsible for the training place.

The Hochschule für Technik offers a model contract for the BPS. The student has to hand over the appendix to the model contract specific to the course of study. Of course, company contracts can also be used. Please pay attention to § 2 paragraph 1a of the law of evidence. The internship contract must be issued in triplicate. The HFT receives a copy of the contract from the student at least two weeks before the beginning of the internship.

Upon completion of the internship, students must submit a proof of activity to the HFT. This is signed by the company in which the internship was completed. It contains the number of days of illness and vacation as well as the number of working days after deduction of any days of absence. The working days must be shown as a number. The fields of activity should also be included in keywords.

Students have successfully passed the BPS if the internship report prepared has been accepted, if the proof of activity shows the required minimum number of days of attendance and if any other requirements according to the guidelines specific to the course of study have been met.

Your questions answers: Demet Bozkurt
+49 (0)711 8926 2695

Project Examination Offices

Projekt-examination offices of the Faculty of Architecture and Design

ArchitectureProf. Jens Colonel
Interior Design

Prof. Diane Ziegler

Climate EngineeringProf. Volkmar Bleicher

Project examination offices of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Building Physics and Economics

Civil EngineeringProf. Dr.-Ing. Kathy Meiss
Building physicsProf. Dr. Wolfram Mollenkopf
Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Andrea Lochmahr

Infrastructure ManagementProf. Dr. Markus Schmidt
Industrial engineering (construction and real estate)Prof. Dr. Falk Huppenbauer
Business Psychology

Prof. Dr. Roland Franz Heirs

Project Examination Offices of the Faculty of Surveying, Informatics and Mathematics

Computer ScienceProf. Dorothee Koch
Information LogisticsProf. Dr. Detlef Pape
MathematicsProf. Ursula Voss
Surveying and GeoinformaticsProf. Dr. Hardy Clay Cooler
Business Information TechnologyProf. Dr. Ralf Kramer