Zwei Personen im Gespräch

„Train the Scientist” – successful research communication

Premiere for new event seriesView Article
Entwurf für den Kreativraum

Ideas for a new creative space at HFT Stuttgart

Students of the study course interior design present concepts to a jury.View Article
Person erstellt eine Grafik

SIM4Blocks celebrates the completion in Wüstenrot and Stuttgart

European research project ends after four and a half yearsView Article

Innovation durch (digitale) Interaktion

Transferprojekt M4_LAB der HFT im Austausch mit weiteren Innovativen HochschulenView Article

TEDxStuttgart [de]construct the x on September 12th in Stuttgart

Last chance to buy your ticket for the livestream! View Article
E-Auto beim Ladevorgang

HFT researchers win Best Paper Award

4th International Conferenz for Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT2020) takes place in SingapurView Article

Dialogue between research and soeciety

How can Universities of Applied Sciences and citizens come together?View Article
Grafik von iCity

The LIN City

A successful kickoff of the webinar series „The LIN City“ of iCity and IHKView Article

Call for Innovation

Neue Forschungspartner in der Akzeptanzforschung gesuchtView Article
Grafik von iCity

Information Logistics for the intelligent city

Digitalization as a chance for cities, districts and buildings.View Article
Podcast-Mikrophon vor einem Monitor

Podcast Interview Innovative University

The M4_LAB as guest in the podcast of TransferTogetherView Article
Logo ENsource

ENsource provides innovative impulses for the reduction of the CO2 emission

How can the withdrawal of the fossil energy generation in cities and communities be realized? View Article

Networking meeting with Dr. Anja Lurson

Dr. Anja Lurson (Baden-Württemberg's state representative in Brussels) and Dr. Uta Sprenger (MWK) visit HFT StuttgartView Article
Einsatz neuster Technik im Studiengang Informationslogistik

Virtual and practical!

Virtual Reality in Information logisticsView Article

Climate protection project EnSign Reallabor presented

Solar energy will lower electricity costs at the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart in the futureView Article
Projektlogo ENsource

Research network ENsource offers impulses to the communes regarding the energy policy

The research network ENsource presents five case studies for sustainable energy systems and resource eficiency in multiple regions in…View Article

New book: Innovations for Metropolitan Areas

44 contributors from universities, research Institutions and companiesView Article
Vogelperspektive der HFT Gebäude

4.5 million euros for iCity and the intelligent, liveable and sustainable city of the future

iCity – from a research project to an innovation hubView Article
Spielfiguren auf einem Netzwerkplan

Learning to network with the Working Out Loud Method

M4_LAB initiates first Working Out Loud circles at HFT and beyondView Article
VfB Mobility Hackathon

How to move the masses: Mobility solutions for soccer games

The HFT Stuttgart at the VfB Stuttgart Mobility Hackathon 2020View Article