"Urban Water Potentials" - Digital application shows opportunities for a conscious use of water

Cooperation with Fellbach IBA'27 project View Article

First Summer School 'Urban Digital Twins and their Application' for the HFT's own doctoral programme

The Summer School became a platform for exciting scientific exchangeView Article

Doctoral students on their way to a PhD – at the HFT Stuttgart

Mikael Bragratuni is is one of the first doctoral candidates / 16 professors have the right to award doctorates at HAW as part of their membership in…View Article

MWK funding for HEAL collaborative project

HFT Stuttgart co-initiates research network on the transformation of agricultural and food systemsView Article

Fourth Startup Night at HFT Stuttgart

Seven HFT startups present their ideas in the inner courtyard of the HFTView Article

Metaverse VR/AR Research Day focused on the future of work and education receives great response

HFT Stuttgart and the Institute of Applied Research welcomed over 100 participants from business, academia and industry and honoured the achievements…View Article

Optimum neighbourhood planning

UDigiT-Doctor project of the HFT Stuttgart and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)View Article

Energy and Climate Forum #2

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and the City of Stuttgart jointly organised the annual Energy and Climate Forum. Presentations were given in…View Article

DigiTwins4PEDs: European research alliance meets for the first time in Stuttgart

Paving the way for energy transformation in the Nordbahnhof districtView Article

Innovative clay and composite roofing

Biberach University of Applied Sciences and HFT Stuttgart cooperate in the InDeckLe research network View Article

Prof. Dr Volker Coors, Vice-President Research and Digitization, in "Meet the Prof"

The video series portrays experts from all faculties at HFT StuttgartView Article

Driving energy transition and participation with Urban Digital Twins

DigiTwins4PEDs: HFT Stuttgart researchers take over project management in international collaborationView Article

Change of leadership at the Institute of Applied Research (IAF) at HFT Stuttgart

Directorate of the Institute for Applied Research (IAF) with new leadershipView Article
A research delegation from the National Laboratory for Social Innovation (TINLAB) exchanged ideas with researchers from HFT Stuttgart on acceptance research in the field of smart homes, among other topics.

Delegation from Hungary in dialogue with HFT Stuttgart on cooperation in acceptance research

Social innovations and interdisciplinarityView Article

University Technology Malaysia's Visit to HFT Stuttgart

September 11, 2023View Article

Minister Petra Olschowski and Minister Hermann visit the MobiQ Real Lab Project

As part of her summer tour, Petra Olschowski, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science, Research and Arts, is learning about the current state of…View Article
Eine Frau steht mit einer VR-Brille in der Leonhardsvorstadt und lässt sich von einem Mann die Anwendung erklären, im Hintergrund die Leonhardskirche

Streetmoves4iCity: Field Trip and Soundwalk at the Urban-Future-Conference

23. June 2023View Article
Konferenzteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmer sitzen im Veranstaltungssaal.

HFT Stuttgart and iCity at the Urban Future Conference

Wednesday, 21 – Friday, 23 June 2023View Article
die Besucher:innen freuen sich über die Unterhaltung während der Wartezeit

HFT presented at the XR Expo 2023

Diverse topics on AR / VR from research and teachingView Article

Lipscomb University meets iCity

Innovative City Demonstrator of the iCity ProjectView Article