The Competence Centre Mobility and Transport (MoVe) conducts research on technological and infrastructural solutions for mobility offers and mobility behaviour. In addition, research is being conducted on the road construction materials of the future and on novel road use concepts such as shared spaces.

The impulse to establish the competence centre resulted from the expansion of research activities in the field of mobility. Further applications for third-party funded projects in this area are continuously being written.

The speaker of the competence center is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Gaspers.

The development of MoVe

MoVe has developed from various projects in the field of mobility and traffic. Since 2018, several projects have already been stabilized. In 2019, the "New Mobility" specialist group was founded at the HFT. In 2020, it could be converted into the newly created MoVe.

The MoVe relies on an interdisciplinary composition of its members from the fields of civil engineering, business psychology, infrastructure management, mechanical engineering, smart cities and urban planning, industrial engineering, business informatics and computer science. Important topics are the reduction of emissions, the increase of traffic safety, the expansion of electric mobility, the connection of rural areas, the increase of the attractiveness of urban areas, the digitalisation of mobility and sustainable operating strategies of transport infrastructures.

Thematic areas

  • Mobility concepts ​
  • Infrastructural mobility offers
  • Software and app solutions
  • Hardware development
  • Data science
  • Traffic simulations and model building
  • Road operation services and strategies
  • Urban transport planning
  • Road construction materials
  • Road designs


Completed projects


Professorial members

Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone Competencecenter
Thomas BäumerProfessor / Studiendekan+49 711 8926 2304 L 104 Innovationsakzeptanz und Transformation Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und Management
Leyla ChakarStudiendekanin VISM+49 711 8926 2642 3/315
Philipp DechowProfessor / Studiendekan Master Stadtplanung+49 711 8926 2617 8/3.51 Mobilität und Verkehr
Lutz GaspersProrektor Studium und Lehre+49 711 8926 2658 1/120 Mobilität und Verkehr
Professor+49 711 8926 2689 3/315
Patrick PlaningProfessor+49 711 8926 2903 L127 Innovationsakzeptanz und Transformation
Markus SchmidtProfessor, Studiendekan+49 711 8926 2778 3/217 Mobilität und Verkehr


Name & Position E-Mail & Telephone Competencecenter
Leo CaseyAkademischer Mitarbeiter+49 711 8926 2734 5/0.43
Dennis DreherTeamleitung MoVe | Akademischer Mitarbeiter+49 711 8926 2415 3/316 Mobilität und Verkehr
Akademischer Mitarbeiter Mobilität und Verkehr


Other scientific publications


Other publications (including lectures, poster presentations, demonstrations, newspaper articles)

Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and Conference Proceedings

  • Astfalk, Stefanie; Silberer, Jan; Planing, Patrick; Müller, Patrick (2021): The effect of a functional prototype on user acceptance in transportation: Assessing the level of acceptance before and after the first demonstration flight of an air taxi, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 11, 2021, 100444, 6 Seiten. ISSN 2590-1982.

Other scientific publications

  • Kwakman, Tom; Gaspers, Lutz (2021): Die Pandemie als Katalysator für den Mobilitätswandel. Transforming Cities, 2021, Ausgabe 4, S. 74-77.
  • Heckmann, Rebecca; Gaspers, Lutz; Schönberger, Jörg, Kock, Sören (2021): Interventions as Soft Policies to Support Sustainable Behaviour. In: Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering Vol. 9/1. 01.06.2021 doi: 10.18178/jtle.9.1.1-9

Other publications (including lectures, poster presentations, demonstrations, newspaper articles)

Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals

  • Santhanavanich, T.; Wuerstle, P.; Silberer, J.; Loidl, V.; Rodrigues, P.; Coors, V. (2020): 3D SAFE ROUTING NAVIGATION APPLICATION FOR PEDESTRIANS AND CYCLISTS BASED ON OPEN SOURCE TOOLS. In: ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. VI-4/W2-2020, S. 143–147. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-143-2020
  • Heckmann, Rebecca; Gaspers, Lutz; Schönberger, Jörn (2020): Development of an Eco-Routing App to Support Sustainable Mobility Behaviour, in Innovations for Metropolitan Areas, in Planing, Patrick; Müller, Patrick; Dehdari, Payam; Bäumer, Thomas; S. 259- 272.
  • Silberer, Jan; Santhanavanich, Thunyathep; Müller, Patrick; Bäumer, Thomas (2020): Promoting objective and subjective safety for cyclists in metropolitan areas. In: Patrick Planing, Patrick Müller, Payam Dehdari und Thomas Bäumer (Hrsg.): Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens. 1st edition 2020. Berlin: SPRINGER, S. 273–284.
  • Silberer, Jan; Bäumer, Thomas; Müller, Patrick; Dehdari, Payam; Huber, Stephanie (2020): Measuring the Use of Sustainable Modes of Transport at a University. In: Walter Leal Filho, Paulo Roberto Borges de Brito und Fernanda Frankenberger (Hrsg.): International business, trade and institutional sustainability. Cham, Switzerland: SPRINGER (World Sustainability Series), S. 1071–1085.
  • Leonie Wendel, Patrick Planing, Harald Bräuchle (2020): Trust in Partially Automated Driving Systems for Trucks: A Quantitative Empirical Study, in Innovations for Metropolitan Areas, Hrsg: Patrick Planing, Patrick Müller, Payam Dehdari, Thomas Bäumer, S. 133- 143.
  • Weng, Johanna; Bäumer, Thomas; Müller, Patrick (2020): Bike-sharing systems as integral components of inner-city mobility concepts: sn analysis of the intended user behaviour of potential and actual bike-sharing users. In: Patrick Planing, Patrick Müller, Payam Dehdari und Thomas Bäumer (Hrsg.): Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Intelligent Solutions for Infrastructure, Mobility, and Applications for Citizens. 1st edition 2020. Berlin: SPRINGER, S. 121–132.

Lectures and other publications

  • Flößer, Chiara; Frick, Annika; Göckler, Marie; Rittner, Judith; Schuster, Ines; Sutor, Hannah; Willbold, Alexandra; Bäumer, Thomas (2020): Leistungsdruck im Studium GWPs-Jahrestagung. Hochschule für Technik. Hochschule für Technik. Stuttgart, 2020.

Publikationen aus Citavi 2019