IMIAD x FORBO | 3rd Semester | Winter Semester 2022/23
In the winter semester 2022/23, the third IMIAD semester worked on a material-based furniture design with a focus on linoleum. The project took place in cooperation with forbo flooring, a linoleum producer. As a prelude, we visited the production in Assendelft during a field trip to Amsterdam.
Linoleum is a material made from natural raw materials, which is primarily known as a floor covering, or as a flat coating for table surfaces. But due to its flexible and haptic properties, it offers further diverse design features and functional potential. Students in the 3rd semester of the International Master of Interior-Architectural Design (IMIAD) developed different application scenarios beyond its current use.
They then explored the functional properties and potential of floor, furniture and pinboard linoleum through practical experiments and a methodical approach in a seminar with materials researcher Dr. Kerstin Mayer. The task in the subsequent material-based semester design was to develop new functional areas of application and to design a small piece of furniture or product of choice with linoleum. The linoleum could be combined and complemented with newly designed elements and an additional ecologically sound material. The project was generously supported by Forbo. The design models on a scale of 1:1 were created with the active support of the HFT workshop team, in particular Romano Bianchi, Willi Mauch and Holger Bitterberg, and accompanied by Jürgen Aldinger. Subsequently, the furniture was documented by the students in a photo workshop with Dipl.-Designer/ Photographer Philip Kottlorz and exhibited at the BLICKFANG Design Fair from March 10-12, 2023, as well as from May 9-12, 2023, on INTERZUM Cologne.
The semester design was supervised by Prof. Karsten Weigel, Dipl.-Des. Alexander Klein and Dipl.-Des. Melissa Acker.