"Designing in the architectural office - handwriting or moderation?"

What does handwriting mean in an architectural practice today against the backdrop of profound changes in architecture? How can a signature be experienced and who is responsible for it? What role do the owners of the offices play: do they see themselves more as authors or more as moderators? It is certainly also about the question of the external image of an office, but above all about the fundamental question of the understanding of architecture behind the way of working and the office structure.

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Brückner
Dipl.-Ing. Dea Ecker
Prof. Sophie Reiner
Prof. Margit Sichrovsky
Moderation: Prof. Peter Krebs

HFT Stuttgart
Breitscheidstr. 5, Bau 8, Atrium
70174 Stuttgart

All interested parties are cordially invited to the event as part of the "BRENNPUNKT ARCHITEKTUR" series.

Event poster

Publish date: 18. November 2024