Scientific publications (conference papers, journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, internet documents)
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Challenges to the elimination of carbon and nutrient compounds in urban wastewater. In: FEI e.V. (Ed.): Demands on urban water management - core tasks versus further requirements, vol. 245, Essen: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH (Stuttgarter Betichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, 245), S. 19-27.
- Baumann, Peter; Jedele, Klaus (2019): Phosphorus elimination - Optimization in wastewater treatment plants. Practical guide for the operation of wastewater treatment plants. 1st edition. Stuttgart: DWA-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg (practical guide, issue 14).
- Baumann, Peter; Lüttke, Manuela; Schwentner, Gert (2019): Downstream denitrification by activated sludge process. In: Jörg Krampe, Norbert Kreuzinger and Matthias Zessner-Spitzenberg (eds.): Advanced wastewater treatment. ÖWAV Seminar - Vienna 2019, TU Vienna, 26-27 February 2019 (Wiener Mitteilungen), pp. 61-72.
- Müller, Patrick (2019): Renew psychological contract. In: Bank Information (12), S. 34-35.
- Pustisek, Andrej; Karasz, Michael; Merkel, Christoph; Merkel de Gurtubay, Iñaki (2019): The Risk of an L-Gas Supply Crisis in Germany. Ed. by European Gas Hub. Available online at, last reviewed on 19/12/2019.
- Walzer, Daniel; Hagen, Irina; Roth, Diana; Scibetta, Lorenzo; Funk, Christopher; Müller, Patrick et al. (2019): How does a company become agile, attractive and attention-grabbing - and remain so in the long term? In: Daniel Walzer (Ed.): Winning, retaining and developing young professionals: Sustainable employee retention of young professionals. Wiesbaden: Springer Trade Media Wiesbaden, S. 1-82.
Scientific publication in peer-reviewed journals
- Bäumer, Thomas; Leinberger, Sarah; Beck, Kathrin; Kolb, Franziska; Pfeifer, Anja (2019): Choice without agony - how colours colour our decisions. In: Business Psychology 21 (1/2), S. 108-118.
- Klenk, Jan; Müller, Patrick; Bronner, Uta (2019): How can organizations support career parents? An analysis of the influence of family and professional support on the life satisfaction of career parents. In: Business Psychology 21 (1/2), S. 40-48.
- Müller, Patrick; Bronner, Uta; Lohaus, Daniela; Baumann, Anna; Wallemann, Alexandra (2019): Individual, interdisciplinary, digital - The strategic reorientation of personnel marketing from the perspective of human resource management. In: Business Psychology 21 (1/2), S. 81-94
Lectures, poster presentations, demonstrations, newspaper articles
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Analytics and measurement technology on sewage treatment plants - Introduction to the DWA-M 269 leaflet and the DWA-M 256-1 to 8th DWA seminar "Process measurement technology on sewage treatment plants". DWA. Fulda, April 11, 2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Requirements for the continuous measurement technique for the most extensive phosphorus elimination. DWA expert conference "News on phosphorus elimination in wastewater treatment plants". DWA. Coburg, May 8, 2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Phosphorus elimination in smaller wastewater treatment plants. 4th DWA treatment plant days. DWA. Bad Soden, 27.06.2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Planning competitions as an alternative to the classical awarding procedure according to VgV. komm-tec. Offenburg, 13.09.2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Special processes for wastewater treatment at municipal sewage treatment plants - restrictions and approaches to solutions. DWA. Regional Association Conference 2019 Baden-Württemberg. DWA. Pforzheim, 15.10.2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Sewage treatment plant 4.0 - Digitalisation in plant operation. DWA State Association of Bavaria. Fürth, 23.10.2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Structural expertises for the merger of wastewater treatment plants - requirements and limits. DWA seminar "Operation of small and medium-sized sewage treatment plants". DWA. Fulda, 12.12.2019.
- Baumann, Peter (2019): Implementation of extensive requirements for P-elimination at smaller wastewater treatment plants. DWA seminar "Operation of small and medium-sized sewage treatment plants". DWA. Fulda, 12.12.2019.
- Kraus, Kai; Bäumer, Thomas; Braun, Brigitte (2019): The attractiveness of medium-sized city centres for consumers. Development of a scoring model. GWPs annual conference. GWPs e.V. Berlin, 16.03.2019.
- Lang, Sarah; Müller, Patrick (2019): Ethical but unfair - The moderating effect of uncertainty on subordinates' reactions towards transgressive behaviour by ethical leaders. 19th EAWOP Congress. EAWOP. Turin, June 1, 2019.
- Müller, P.; Bäumer, T.; Silberer, Jan; Zimmermann, Stefan (2019): Using courses on empirical research methods as a means to teach students sustainable development - a three-phase model for a transformative learning experience. ACCELERATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Stockholm, 2019.
- Müller, Patrick; Baumann, Anna; Volz, Sarah (2019): Effects of the implementation of people analytics on the employees' experience. The impact of trust in HR, uncertainty about technology and HR attributes. 11th meeting of the Section for Work, Organizational and Business Psychology of the German Psychological Association. Section for Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology of the German Psychological Society. Brunswick, September 27, 2019.
- Müller, Patrick; Bronner, Uta; Klenk, Jan; Stefan, Monika; Hollnagel, Jördis (2019): How can organizations support career parents? - The impact of partners' support on the effects of perceived organizational support. 19th EAWOP Congress. EAWOP. Turin, May 30, 2019.
- Pustisek, Andrej (2019): Natural gas market in energy transition. PESS - Petroleum Engineering Summer School. University of Zagreb, HR. University of Zagreb, Inst. Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Dubrovnik, HR, 19.06.2019. Available online at
- Pustisek, Andrej; Karasz, Michael (2019): Natural gas: The raw material of the future? In: The Economy 2019, 18.12.2019. Available online at, last reviewed on 19.12.2019.
- Pustisek, Andrej; Karasz, Michael (2019): Le gaz naturel, matière première de demain ? In: La Vie économique 2019, 19.12.2019. Available online at, last checked on 19.12.2019.
- Sigle, Nadja; Renz, Nora; Bäumer, Thomas (2019): Can these stars lie? Usability of online reviews in market research. BVM Regional Evening Rhine-Main. BVM Regional Association Rhine-Main. Frankfurt am Main, 22.05.2019.