Hybrid Teaching Day | Teaching Award Ceremony 2021

On 16 June 2021, the Teaching Day on the topic of "Hybrid and Digital Teaching" at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences took place for the first time as a live broadcast in online format. It was transmitted via zoom from the auditorium. Right on time for the start of the event, the digital waiting room filled up. The few seats in the auditorium - arranged according to current spacing regulations - were all occupied. Mirjana Gajic, head of the Didactics Centre , introduced the programme at the start of the event. Rector Prof. Dr. Katja Rade and Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers, Prorector for Studies and Teaching, welcomed the audience. Gaspers emphasized that the implementation of good teaching at HFT Stuttgart is visible through the numerous nominations for the teaching prize to be awarded. Then the keynote speaker, Philipp Riederle, entered the virtual stage. Riederle is a "digital native", entrepreneur and internationally awarded professional speaker. He started his first podcast at the age of 13, founded his first company in the field of media production at 15 and has already published two books about his generation. He has been recognized by the federal government as a digital leader who is helping shape technical development.

"Are you ready for the digital generation?" His keynote addressed the needs, skills and perceptions of the digital generation. According to him, "Are you ready for the digital generation? They deal with us every day, that's why we are now talking very specifically about what we actually think and feel about digital teaching and a digital university," he had the full attention of all the participating students and teachers. Even though Philipp Riederle at one point or another criticized universities for neglecting the topic of "digitization of teaching" over the past 20 years, he praised them for the ad hoc transformation within just one semester, "thanks" to the pandemic.

Riederle called for the transformation of the teaching role - from knowledge mediator to active learner carer. To this end, he proposed, for example, the "flipped classroom" teaching method, called for support in learning so-called future skills and advocated architectural changes at universities to enable hybrid teaching. "We are in a vortex of change. We first have to accept hybrid teaching in principle in order to then make it possible," he concluded. Another core message of his keynote was that "digital natives are not automatically digital professionals". Here, too, he would like to see active support from university lecturers in the development of digital skills among students.

Vision University X.0 What does Philipp Riederle think the university of the future could look like? He presented his vision of the university X.0. Students log on to a central platform and - depending on their interests - attend a lecture from the entire range of courses offered by all universities. In this way, each student can orientate themselves individually to their own learning needs and objectives. With a "peak" of 87 participants in the meantime, the breakout sessions took place in parallel, in which digital teaching concepts were presented by HFT lecturers. Topics of the breakout sessions

  • Digital tools in teaching withthe presentations "Interactive(architecture) teaching with Miro-Board" by Prof. Christine Kappei and "Structureddigital support for research-oriented writing seminars" by Prof. Dieter Uckelmann.
  • Hybrid teaching/learning formats - exchange of experience on hybrid engineering teaching withthe presentations "Digital Collaboration" by Prof. Dr. Claus Nesensohn, "Inverted Classroom" by Prof. Dr. Falko Dieringer, "Digital Learning Level Checks" by Prof. Dr. Thomas Benz (Geotechnics) and "Self-guided Excursions" by Prof. Dr. Peter Baumann
  • Digital teaching/learning materials withthe lectures "The Moodle plug-inStack - Randomising good tasks with Stack conversion" by Prof. Dr. Anselm Knebuschand "Digital teachingrethought - using YouTube, Pressbooks and H5P for the implementation of asynchronous teaching" by Prof. Dr. Patrick Planing.

After a break, the event continued at 4:30 p.m. with a presentation by the two computer science students Niko Jochim and Tim Herbst. They reported on their student teaching in the tutorials "Programming 1 and 2". They mastered the challenge of having to convert both their student learning and the teaching in the tutorial ad hoc to digital format with flying colours. The event was concluded with the teaching award ceremony. The Teaching Day and the Teaching Award Ceremony 2021 were organised by the University's Didactics Centre.

Teaching Award 2021

Under this year's motto "Good digital teaching", a total of 18 teaching contributions from students or colleagues were nominated for the teaching award. Prof. Dr. Steffen Feirabend and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Horst Sondermann were awarded for the outstanding contribution "BuildingInformation Modeling Plus" from the courses of study Architecture, Climate Engineering , Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering. Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers announced the teaching event of the teaching award winners 2021 in the context of the Day of Teaching on June 16, 2021 as follows: "Such a cross-faculty and cross-course project work is - not least due to the high coordination and coordination effort - still rather rare on a scale as exemplified by Prof. Dr. Feirabend and Prof. Sondermann. The course has a very innovative character, it is thoroughly competence-oriented, there is a diverse use of digital methods and tools and the students and their interdisciplinary competence development are in the foreground. The forward-looking and practice-oriented topic rounds off the extremely successful teaching concept with exemplary character."

For insights into the award-winning course, watch a video ofthetwo professors, the teaching assistants who actively support them and their students.

All 18 nominated courses were visible during a presentation on Teaching Day. The approximately 95 participants were able to admire many great teaching concepts. Prorector Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers expressed his thanks and appreciation to all nominated professors.

Last but not least, Julia Isabel Gorges, who studies Business Administration at HFT Stuttgart, was honored for her student commitment. Gorges is involved in numerous committees, such as the university senate, StuPa and faculty council, and as a student member actively supports university development in the course of the strategy process.

Publish date: 21. June 2021
By Mirjana Gajic (mirjana.gajic@hft-stuttgart.de)