The Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz) has spoken out in favour of starting the summer semester 2020 on a binding basis on April, 20th. The Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK) as well as the University Presidents' Conferences confirmed this. However, due to the persisting restrictions on public life as a result of the corona pandemic, this means that for the moment teaching can continue only in digital formats.

This phase is called „online phase II“ and starts from April 20th onwards. How long this online phase II will last depends on the success of the contact restrictions in forced right now. Gradual relaxation and a possible stepwise return to face-to-face teaching must be seen in the context of society as a whole. Especially taking into account the central challenge of not overtaxing our health care system. According to current estimates, the summer semester could end with classroom teaching again, at least in the last third of the semester. What this means for the exam season is still open at the moment. We must remain flexible and always consicer alternatives, but we hope to be able to conduct the exams in the form intended in the SPOs.

Further information can be found in our Corona Update:

Publish date: 09. April 2020
By Petra Dabelstein (