How can the currently online-oriented Bachelor's programme in Surveying and Geoinformatics still be practice-oriented? Is the professional exchange between students, professors, staff and also the personal contact between students possible at all? YES - just in a slightly different way...
For a year now, our everyday study life has been shaped by Corona restrictions. We would like this to be different and would rather meet each other in real life instead of online. Until this is possible again, the teaching still works very well and remains practical!
- During the introductory week at the beginning of the course, online operation was already practiced.
- During online exercises, the first-year students get to know each other in constantly changing groups. In online lectures and exercises, students, professors and staff stay in contact and exchange ideas.
- Software such as CAD and others is installed by the students at home and can continue to be used there for their studies. Supervision of the exercise is done online at the student's home.
- Practical measurement exercises are carried out in small groups in presence at the HFT, observing the distance and hygiene rules. These exercises are prepared and supplemented by special software for simulating the device software.
- Everyone in the 5th semester has found employers for the practical semester who also provide their supervision during the corona period.
- The higher semesters are little affected. They are currently working on their bachelor theses and can make use of hardware and software as usual, but also of the extensive, modern measuring equipment of the study area.
Some online solutions will remain in the study in the future. How to prepare for such studies?
In the meantime, we have the impression that online events are known from school and are therefore also used very skilfully. As in a school class, a lively participation with requests to speak and questions is very desirable.
From a purely technical point of view, the equipment should be right for studying: For online lectures and exercises, a computer with sound and image access is needed. There should be space on the computer for programs that need to be installed. This does not include video games, but because of the CAD and GIS components, the graphics performance should not be the worst!
Is it still possible to apply?
Applications for study places are Applicant portal and are welcome. The application deadline is 15.1. for the start of studies in the summer semester 2021 and 31.07. for the start of studies in the winter semester 2021/2022.