Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Cremers opened the official part with a brief insight into the start and development of the degree programme. Dean of Studies Prof. Volkmar Bleicher reported on special joint projects with other departments, faculties and partner universities, including the KIT in Kyoto, projects in Vietnam and the MAKE project, a cooperation with the Master's programme in Architecture and the current contribution to the Solar Decathlon 2022 in Wuppertal.

Special thanks went to all lecturers, colleagues and staff for their support in teaching and organisation.

Former students then reported on their various fields of activity in different offices on the basis of current projects. Topics such as refurbishment, electrical and hydrogen technology in the quartier, BIM and timber construction were reported on.

During the very interesting lectures and different topics, the broad education of the study programme became clear once again.

After the official part, interesting conversations took place at the joint barbecue.

Many thanks to all employees for the organization and support, special thanks to Christin Gegner, Pia Klein and Michael Hoschek.

Text: Dean of Studies Volkmar Bleicher

Publish date: 11. November 2021
By Cornelia Jänicke (