Under this year's motto "Good digital teaching", a total of 18 teaching contributions from students or colleagues were nominated for the teaching award. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Feirabend and Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Horst Sondermann were awarded for the outstanding contribution "Building Information Modeling Plus" from the courses of study Architecture, Climate Engineering, Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers announced the teaching event of the teaching award winners 2021 in the context of the Day of Teaching on June 16, 2021 as follows: "Such a cross-faculty and cross-course project work is – not least due to the high coordination and coordination effort – still rather rare on a scale as exemplified by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Feirabend and Prof. Sondermann. The course has a very innovative character, it is thoroughly competence-oriented, there is a diverse use of digital methods and tools and the students and their interdisciplinary competence development are in the foreground. The forward-looking and practice-oriented topic rounds off the extremely successful teaching concept with exemplary character."

For insights into the award-winning course, watch a video of the two professors, the teaching assistants who actively support them and their students.

All 18 nominated courses were visible during a presentation on Teaching Day. The approximately 95 participants were able to admire many great teaching concepts. Prorector Prof. Dr. Lutz Gaspers expressed his thanks and appreciation to all nominated professors.

Text: Mirjana Gajic, Didactic Centre HFT Stuttgart.

Publish date: 21. June 2021