They have their word to say in an interview with SWR 4 reporter Uli Zwerenz

The The Konrad-Biesalski Schule, Arbeit und Integration (KBS-AI) is a non-profit company that offers people with disabilities access to the general labour market. They asked the interior design course for design support for their shop café. First, initial ideas were collected in a short project, and in the course "Construction" taught by Prof. Diane Ziegler, the implementation now took on a very concrete form in the next step.

Despite a small budget, the shop was given a new look through the reuse of retail furniture, processing in our workshops and, of course, the tireless craftsmanship of the students.

In this interview, those involved talk about the implementation process

Publish date: 31. May 2022
By Cornelia Jänicke (