Review of short project and press event on 14.10.2021

The KBS-AI (Konrad-Biesalski Schule, Arbeit und Integration) - a non-profit company that offers people with handicaps access to the general labour market - asked the interior design course for design support. The Ladencafé Toni in the centre of Ellwangen sells second-hand goods and the café integrated into the shop area is very popular.

The furnishings are a motley crew, so the owners turned to our university for help and asked for design support. The budget is small, but with the help of our own workshops and local craft businesses, the students' ideas and concepts are to be implemented.

In a short project lasting two days, the students developed initial ideas and concepts. These will be deepened next semester in an inter-semester elective. The implementation will then take place next summer. It is planned that the students will also actively support this project. 

Text: Prof. Diane Ziegler

Article in "Schwäbische Post" on 14.10.2021

Publish date: 12. October 2021
By Cornelia Jänicke (