This year's prize of the advisory board of the Master's programme International Project Management was awarded to Sven Stein for his outstanding thesis during the 47th advisory board meeting.

The thesis with the title "An investor's framework for analyzing the ESG performance of real estate - A critical analysis against the background of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth" deals under the guiding principle "we have no planet B" with Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) criteria in relation to real estate investment decisions. Against the background of the "EU Action Plan on financing sustainable growth", the essential real estate-related criteria from regulations such as the EU taxonomy, the SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) and existing valuation schemes were summarised and compared with the experiences of market participants within the real estate investment industry with the aim of defining the essential decision-making criteria. The derived catalogue of criteria can serve as a guideline for real estate investors to make informed decisions regarding real estate investments.

The advisory board's award was financed by Drees & Sommer from Stuttgart.


Publish date: 20. July 2022