On Friday, April 26, 2024, the Bachelor's degree course ClimateEngineering organised this year's Case Study Tag. Exciting, innovative projects were once again presented this year!

Right on time at 09:45, Prof. Volkmar Bleicher, Dean of the Faculty of ClimateEngineering, together with Prof. Dr. Jan Cremers, Dean of the Faculty, welcomed the guests to the event.

The "Luisenpark - neue Parkmitte Mannheim" project was then presented by Prof. Volkmar Bleicher, Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Löber (Henne & Walter GbR), Prof. Martin Stumpf (wh-p Ingenieure) and Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bez (bez+kock architekten). To ensure that Luisenpark remains an attractive place to spend time, an expansion and careful modernization of the park center became necessary, which took shape in the "New Park Center" project. After a design phase lasting several years and a successfully completed planning competition, construction began in 2020: The implementation of the New Park Center with its spacious buildings, openly designed experience spaces and modern animal facilities was completed for BUGA 23. An energy and ventilation concept is planned for the buildings that combines energy efficiency with the highest possible thermal and visual comfort.

The second exciting project presented by Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Eisele (müller blaustein Holzwerke GmbH), Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Schmidt (Nething Generalplaner GmbH) and Johannes Baumeister MBA (Nething Generalplaner GmbH) was the new Nething office building in Neu-Ulm.

The new premises offer plenty of space for over 100 employees. The clear internal structures ensure that workplaces are created that offer similar conditions for everyone - supplemented by areas for informal communication and concentrated work. The transparent core creates views between all levels and is thus a supporting communication element. One of the special features of this building is that many elements, such as wall and ceiling elements, were prefabricated. Care was also taken to make the building as CO2-neutral as possible. Wood is therefore the dominant material - concrete is only used in the core of the load-bearing elements.

This was followed by a presentation by Dipl.-Ing. Marc Haines from Concular. Concular is committed to circularity in the construction industry. To this end, the company returns components to the construction cycle by means of value-preserving removal. It has also developed software that enables the creation of building resource passports and life cycle assessments. With the help of material passports, building components are cataloged, sold, dismantled and placed in new buildings. Concular also offers a marketplace for reclaimed building materials. A number of examples are used to illustrate which components are easier to dismantle and reuse and which components still pose problems.

As a festive finale, all guests, lecturers and university members were invited to the courtyard for an exchange of ideas and a barbecue.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all speakers, lecturers, colleagues and employees for their support in teaching and organisation!

Publish date: 02. May 2024