Once again this winter semester, the Faculty of Architecture and Design will be holding specialist lectures as part of the Point 7 series. Renowned designers from the fields of architecture, interior design and urban planning have been speaking in the series since 2004.

They talk about their personal approaches, strategies and experiences in project implementation. We also look at their individual attitudes to architectural and building-cultural issues. We gain insights into their respective work and the person behind it.

The focus of this year's Punkt 7 lecture series is on the much-discussed topic of multi-storey housing. With their projects, the speakers show pioneering examples of how living together in an increasingly diverse society can succeed and how resources can be used consciously. The lectures will focus on participatory building in a wide variety of constellations, such as building groups, cooperatives and self-managed housing groups.

We are looking forward to Tim Heide (Heide & von Beckerath, Berlin), Dr. Hans Drexler (DGJ Architektur, Frankfurt am Main) and Christian Roth (zanderroth, Berlin).

Tim Heide | Heide & von Beckerath, Berlin
»Architektur als gemeinschaftliche Form« ("Architecture as a Collaborative Form") on 23 November 2023, 7:00 pm
Tim Heide (* 1959) is an architect and co-founder of the architecture firm Heide & von Beckerath in Berlin. He studied design at the University of the Arts and Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. He taught at the Beuth Hochschule Berlin and the Potsdam School of Architecture and was a professor of building construction and design at the Technische Universität Berlin. Tim Heide was a visiting professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and lectures regularly in a national and international context. He has been chairman of the board of the Deutscher Werkbund Berlin since 2019.

Dr. Hans Drexler | DGJ Architektur, Frankfurt am Main
»Suffizientes und gemeinschaftliches Planen und Bauen – das Collegium Academicum in Heidelberg«
("Sufficiency and Collaborative Planning and Building – the Collegium Academicum in Heidelberg") on 30 November 2023, 7:00 pm

Hans Drexler, architect and founder of DGJ Architektur in Frankfurt am Main, designs and researches building systems in which the interaction of the buildings with the users is part of the design on different levels and at different points in the process. The building system "Open Architecture" is a method for flexible architecture. It thinks of buildings as changeable throughout their life cycle. Users identify with the buildings through a bond that goes beyond mere utility. When users value their buildings for a long time, this contributes to social, ecological and economic sustainability. Hans Drexler will present an example of this in his lecture, the recently inaugurated Collegium Academicum student dormitory in Heidelberg, which DGJ planned together with the residents.

Christian Roth | zanderroth, Berlin
»Wohnungsbau von zanderroth« ("Housing by zanderroth") on 07 December 2023, 7 pm

zanderroth was founded in Berlin in 1999 by Sascha Zander and Christian Roth and has since developed residential buildings of all sizes, from perimeter block developments to housing estates and urban extensions. zanderroth became known for its architecturally sophisticated and innovative housing projects in Berlin. The architecture of zanderroth has been awarded numerous national and international prizes. Currently, the office has completed the lightweight concrete building in Magazinstraße, Berlin and is working on the urban design Belsenpark II in Düsseldorf and Hafeninsel I in the customs port of Mainz, among others.

Who can participate?
Students and all other interested parties are cordially invited to participate.

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences | Bau 8, Atrium | Breitscheidstr. 5, 70174 Stuttgart

Recognition as continuing education
Recognition as continuing education has been applied for at the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects.

With the lectures the HFT Stuttgart participates in the "Architekturnovember", initiated by the Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA).

We would like to thank the Knödler-Decker Foundation and the Friends of the HFT Stuttgart for their kind support.

Moderation: Prof. Diane Ziegler | Coordination: Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Cornelia Jänicke | Technology: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Hoschek

Note: Photos will be taken at the lectures for public relations purposes.

Publish date: 13. September 2023
By Cornelia Jänicke (cornelia.jaenicke@hft-stuttgart.de)