On display in Freiburg until 15 October 2020

In December 2019, the impressive natural gas reservoir “Freiburger Gaskugel” west of Freiburg was declared a historic monument. Since its decommissioning, there has been broad public interest in the future and the possible use of the industrial building, which is idyllically located on the Dreisam river. Many players, such as the Arbeitskreis Gaskugel1) are involved, while a concept paper by the Bürgerverein Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde2), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freiburger Stadtbild3) and the Kultur- und Geschichtskreis Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde4), among others, outlines an option for utilisation.

Against this background, Professor Harald Roser, a Freiburg citizen himself, drafted out the task for students in the master's programme in architecture for this year's summer semester final theses. It specified a conversion into a planetarium with an observatory and exhibition space.

In their master's theses Ronny Alber, Julian Kessler, Markus Kienzler and Lukas Tritschler developed various approaches and ideas for conversion, which can be seen in the exhibition "Dark Side of the Moon" until October 15, 2020.

Exhibition venue:
Stadtteiltreff Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde, Am Bischofskreuz 4, Freiburg
Curator: Professor Harald Roser, HFT Stuttgart
Organizer: Bürgerverein Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde e.V.

03/08 – 15/10/2020
Mo 10.00 – 13.00, Tues 14.00 – 18.00, Thu 9.00 – 12.00 and by arrangement, phone 0761 / 89758315

The exhibition has already attracted a great deal of attention in the local media, including the Badische Zeitung and Baden TV.

All contributions:
Baden TV: baden-tv-sued.com/die-gaskugel-bietet-raum-vielfaltig-genutzt-zu-werden/
Badische Zeitung: badische-zeitung.de/studierende-stellen-ideen-fuer-die-gaskugel-vor
Stadtmagazin Chilli: chilli-freiburg.de/stadtgeplauder/gaskugel-zu-verkaufen-badenova-wuerde-objekt-zu-symbolpreis-abgeben/

Visualisation: Lukas Tritschler
Text: Cornelia Jänicke

1) working group Gaskugel 2) community association Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde  3) working group for urban structure Freiburg 4) culture and history association Betzenhausen-Bischofslinde

Publish date: 25. September 2020