In the course of climate protection and climate adaptation, it is necessary to fundamentally change our mobility. The central questions are: How can streets, squares and infrastructures in our cities be redesigned to be livable and attractive? How must mobility change to allow more space for social interaction in public spaces?

This is the topic of the HFT meets IBA event: #6 Public Space, Traffic and Infrastructures for the Neighborhood of Tomorrow on Sept. 23, 2021, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Experts will present different points of view on sustainable building and will also be available to answer questions and contribute to discussions from interested members of the audience.

New public transport systems, e-sharing vehicles, more widespread use of bicycles, new central mobility hubs and new forms of logistics and transport offer the opportunity for residents to "reclaim" urban space.


Creating more space for social interaction

Background: The street and "street life" have always been a reflection of our society. In the pre-industrial city, the streets were primarily a meeting place for residents, a place of trade and craft production, and only secondarily a space for locomotion. With the triumph of the automobile, the street was increasingly redesigned exclusively as a traffic space and social interaction was relegated to other areas. Since then, guard rails, curbs, forests of signs, and "sheet metal avalanches" of parked cars have characterized the often monotonous image of the urban street.

In the course of climate protection and climate adaptation, it is necessary to fundamentally change our mobility. What will happen to the street? How does the image change and how does it feel when lanes, rows of parking spaces and curbs are gone? What will be possible? And is it right to convert the streets - because it is opportune at the moment - into cycle lanes?

The event series HFT meets IBA has been organized since 2020 by the M4_Lab of the HFT Stuttgart in cooperation with the IBA'27 GmbH and the Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS).


16:30 Welcome

16:35 Viewpoints

#1 What makes a road a road?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Gaspers, HFT Stuttgart

#2 The Streets as Catalysts for Sustainable Behaviour

Kristian Villadsen, Gehl

#3 Traffic Space is Public Space

Stefan Bendiks, Artgineering

#4 City logistics rethought - city-compatible logistics in urban quarters

Mario Flammann, HFT Stuttgart / pesch partner architekten stadtplaner

17:15 Discussion round

18:30 End of the event


Publish date: 10. September 2021
By Susanne Rytina (