Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences is a signatory to the "Stuttgart Declaration on the Sustainable Transformation of the Financial Center" and participated in the run-up to the creation of the corresponding strategy paper.

The aim of the strategy paper is to position the Stuttgart financial center as one of the leading financial centers in Germany  in the area of sustainable development and sustainable finance, and thus to make an active contribution to combating climate change.

"As a signatory of the strategy paper, we are very pleased to be able to support its implementation as a university. To this end, we are happy to contribute our experience of the last ten years in the fields in the areas of teaching, research and transfer," says Prof. Dr. Tobias Popovic, Professor of Corporate & Sustainable Finance in the Business Studies Department as well as Co-Director of the Center for Sustainable Business and Management. "For example, in recent years we have been able to carry out various research projects at the ZNWM with a focus on sustainable finance, funded by federal and state ministries, the EU and foundations," Popovic continued. But a contribution has also already been made to so-called sustainable finance literacy through corresponding courses in various bachelor's and master's degree programs.

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Publish date: 22. April 2021
By Kathrin Mletzko (