In this year's CHE ranking, the most comprehensive university ranking for Germany, the master's degree program in Software Technology achieved a place in the top group in the categories "Teaching Offerings" (1.6) and "Study Organization" (1.5). The overall results are impressive: In the student survey conducted in the summer semester of 2021, Software Technology students gave their program an average rating of between 1.5 and 1.8 (scale: 1=very good, 5=very poor).
Compared to the pre-survey in the summer semester 2018, the categories "Teaching offer" (2021:1.6 | 2018:2.0), "Support during studies" (2021: 1.8 | 2018: 19) and "Transition between Bachelor and Master studies" (2021: 1.6 | 2018: 1.9) were rated better despite the extremely difficult study conditions due to the Corona pandemic.
The successful handling of the pandemic by the study programme is also confirmed by the results of the special CHE survey on studying during the Corona pandemic: the "handling of the Corona pandemic by the university overall" (1.5) and the associated "possibility of continuing and also completing the study programme as planned" (1.3) were rated very positively.
The survey results thus confirm that the HFT Stuttgart has lived up to its claim of accompanying and supporting students well through the Corona pandemic.