Programming: Learning by Doing

14.04.2020, by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pado

The best way to learn programming is to try it out a lot supported by teachers who look over your shoulder at the right time. This situation is not possible at the moment, but Prof. Dr. Stefan Knauth and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Pado try to make the best out of it for their students: They demonstrate the exercises in a live stream. Questions can be asked in the chat visible to all - this way spontaneous discussions are possible. Those who still have questions can get one-to-one support - the professors are supported by dedicated research assistants and tutors, so there is time for every question. According to feedback from the lecture, the lecture videos and live exercises are available to the students in technically good quality, and so far everyone can follow the lecture material well - despite or perhaps because of the unusual teaching format?