In mid-December, about 40 students of the 3rd and 4th semester in the Surveying and Geoinformatics course of study took a one-week break from normal lecture activities. During this time, mostly groups of five students in the practice-oriented Geoinformation Module (IGP) dedicated themselves to project work in the department of web-based geoinformation models.
Under the direction of Professor Dr.-Ing. Sven Wursthorn (KIT), the normal lecture schedule for about 40 students of the 3rd and 4th semester in the study course Surveying and Geoinformatics was interrupted for one week in mid-December. During this time, mostly groups of five people in the practice-oriented Geoinformation Module (IGP) dedicated themselves to project work in the department of web-based geoinformation models. The students were offered a variety of topics such as route planning and network analysis, working with geoinformation databases, analysis of OpenStreetMap data or presented topics such as the European Directive for a Uniform Spatial Data Infrastructure (INSPIRE).
With the specialist knowledge and individual research work already acquired during their studies, the groups could successfully work on their topics. In addition to technical content, the project week focused on teamwork, communication, interaction and scientific working methods. At the end of the week, the students had the goal to document their results and present them to their fellow students.
The students were particularly surprised by the results of the route planning and network analysis project: the navigation route from the university to the Mercedes-Benz Arena calculated in the project was exactly as suggested by Google Maps - the algorithm programmed in the project could thus be used in practice.
All participants ended the beautiful and intensive project week with valuable knowledge and a sense of achievement.
Text: Adrian Weng Map: Lukas Hanz, "A project group analysed the catchment areas of the doctors in Stuttgart with "geoinformatics tools".