Verleihung des VDI Preises an Frau Möhnle durch Prof. Dr. Riedel im Beisein von Prof. Dr. Gülch

Congratulations on the VDI award!

Theresa Möhnle receives award for best final thesis in natural sciences

Theresa Möhnle received a VDI study prize from the VDI Württembergischer Ingenieurverein e.V. for her final thesis in the master's degree course in surveying at the HFT Stuttgart.

Theresa Möhnle received a VDI study prize from the VDI Württembergischer Ingenieurverein e.V. for her final thesis in the master's degree course in surveying at the HFT Stuttgart. In the context of the "VDI-Forum 2019: Better Building through Digitization?" on September 20, 2019 at the ED. Zübling AG in Stuttgart, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Riedel, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO and designated Chairman of the VDI Regional Association Baden-Württemberg, presented the prize to Theresa Möhnle in the presence of Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gülch, HFT Stuttgart.

The work, entitled "Strategy development for 3D spatial links between interiors and interior/exterior spaces using mobile methods" was presented to a large audience by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gülch, supervisor of the work. The work was carried out as part of the project " i_city-BIM-compliant building registration".

Every year, the VDI Württembergischer Ingenieurverein e.V. awards its study prize to the best student thesis of a year in the engineering courses. Future engineers should thus be motivated to achieve outstanding performance.

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Gülch (

Publish date: 15. September 2019