We are a university of applied sciences and exciting research projects are regularly carried out in our study area. Further research projects can be found on the central research page.

TrottiElec: E-ultra-light vehicles as a key element of closed track chains

The research project "TrottiElec: E-ultra-light vehicles as a key element of closed track chains" was carried out by the Infrastructure Management course from January 2016 to March 2018. It was a cooperative research project with the University of Esslingen. The aim was to explore new ways of efficient and resource-saving locomotion. It was investigated whether an electrified folding scooter - called TrottiElec - helps to shift the kilometres travelled with CO2-intensive means of transport to lower CO2-emitting means of transport, such as local public transport, or to avoid the use of CO2-intensive means of transport.

The project was carried out by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Norkauer and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Schmidt of the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Sc. Techn. Habil. Oliver Zirn from the University of Esslingen.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen mit Tretrollern auf einer Treppe
Energy management at wastewater treatment plants

The Baden-Württemberg University of Applied Sciences has completed the state of Baden-Württemberg's guide to "Energy Management at Wastewater Treatment Plants - Successful Projects" on behalf of the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) and the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Baumann (Chair of Urban Water Management) worked out the main contents and compiled a selection of the "best" plants in the form of "profiles".

The brochure was distributed free of charge to all operators of the approximately 900 municipal wastewater treatment plants as well as to the responsible state authorities in Baden-Württemberg and will be available in the future on the INTRANET of the state within the authorities.

The aim is to increase awareness of the need to conserve resources by increasing the proportion of electricity produced in-house and to further promote innovative solutions for improving energy efficiency at wastewater treatment plants.

Guide with successful projects